‘If Romney secures the nomination and loses or wins the presidency and the nation does not experience a 180-degree course-reversal, then 2016 will mark the end of the Republican Party.
…This election is no longer about Republicans vs. Democrats, but about the Governing Class vs. the rest of the country..’ source
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World Gone Mad
Webster Tarpley
Webster Tarpley? Surely that’s not a real name. (Then again: Newt Gingrich… )
This is pretty-much a given. It’s either Mitt or Newt.
Tell me, when was the last time the Republican nominee wasn’t chosen by the Democrats and their allies in the MSM?
It’s all the MSM Gantt,without them the libs/dems would be the minority party they really are.Libs make up only 22% of the population,where conservatives make up nearly 48%.
The MSM knows they can sway the remainder that vote independant and there we have it.
The MSM and the Universal Franchise. There should be conditions attached to the right to vote, and one of those must be you are first a nett tax payer. If only nett tax payers (i.e. only nett contributors to the Treasury) were afforded a say in the electoral process, the MSM’s influence would largely be nullified.
Yep. And a hell of a lot of career politicians would be out of work.
The next election here should be interesting for the simple fact that since 08′ a key change has been made.
36 states now have voter ID laws on the books and 28 of those have begun requiring ID in order to vote absentee.
So dead people will have a tougher time voting,multiple voters will be disenfranchised because they can only vote once and no more mysterious stacks of absentee ballots that just happen to all be Demorat votes will be found misplaced in the trunks of pollsters cars
Further fun will be had in all the congressional districts that have been re-drawn most of which havd gone Republican.
Struggling to see the downside of that proposition.
The downside is every election that is even close will get challenged in court and dragged out for months which serves no one except the lawyers.
There are a lot of old dominion Democrat seats that will be lost especially in local elections and those people will not go quietly.
Barney Frank,oddly enough chose to drop out early,mainly because his district was re-drawn and he suddenly had a lot more conservatives to deal with which he could never in a million years con into voting for him,so he bugged out.
The NAACP is taking voter registration to the UN as it ‘discriminates against people of color’.
Unless the US legalises criminality to its most important core, that is, its electoral system, ‘people of color’ cannot have a voice, they seem to be implying.
Yes,these voter ID laws are really harsh on the minorities.They have only four years in which to get a state issued picture ID(driver’s license)or photo ID card which most states will give them for free.How can they possibly manage the poor dears
My state just past voter ID and at the same time we the taxpayers decided that we would give a *FREE*photo voter ID to any takers legal to vote here at an estimated cost of $1.5million dollars.But I would bet that won’t suffice,we’ll probably have to provide chauffeur driven limos to take them to the polls too.