“Compassionate Progressives” kill people.

And here’s just one example.

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6 Responses to “Compassionate Progressives” kill people.

  1. GW says:

    Yes, but no matter. As long as it is done with the best of intentions, no body count matters. Such is the historical truth of leftism, from the deaths of tens of millions under collectivization to the impact of abortion on black pregnancies to, well, whatever. It is the nobleness of the intention, not the reality of the effect that matter.

  2. KG says:

    Exactly so, GW. They’ll imprison people and murder them to achieve their aims, with the same air of invincibly stupid righteousness their kind always exhibit.

    And on a brighter note, Happy Christmas to you and yours. :smile: May you have a very fine 2012. Thanks for all the good reading over at Wolf Howling, too.

  3. Darin says:

    Yup,can’t wait to see what the compassionate health care bill does to the senior citizens it takes $500billion away from,of course it will still all be Bush’s fault.

    • Pascal says:

      Nah, it is bush’s fault too, only he was cagey about it. Obama is simply in-your-face, watcher gonna do about it suckers?

  4. Katie says:

    Kid will have a great career as a Lumberjack.

  5. Robertvdl says:

    Thomas E. Woods, Jr
    War Is Better Than Ron Paul