‘The release of Nike’s new Air Jordan basketball shoes caused a frenzy at stores across the nation Friday as scuffles broke out and police were brought in to stamp out unrest that nearly turned into riots in some places…’
Click the link and guess what that fact is. Hint: It’s not unrelated to the Unmentionable Fact about flash trash mobs invading small businesses and trashing them. Or mobs attacking people “at random” in the streets.
Sigh….yet another, this morning.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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You can take the natives out of Africa, but you can’t take the Africa out of the natives…
Take the Africa out of the crimes stats and what do you have? An amazingly law-abiding, polite country.
Shoes????You mean that wasn’t the trailer for the new Planet of the Apes movie?
I saw this item before you posted it and I didn’t have to see the video to know that it would be a certain demographic rioting for a place at the front of the line to buy sneakers. Yet if you noted it to any newspaper in a letter to the editor, it would not get printed because it would be considered racist no matter how truthful.
“..it would not get printed because it would be considered racist no matter how truthful.”
Truth is now irrelevant, Michael.
It’s “truth” now, just another viewpoint, just another thing to be twisted and manipulated and distorted for ideological purposes.
Look at the link under that video by Judge Napolitano for the perfect demonstration of that.
At least there’s video.
The English-speaking world has pre-indemnified Negroes against any legal consequences for such behavior. Thus, a class privilege has been created, and time after time, the worst members of that class have “risen to the opportunity.”
The problem won’t go away until the privilege is withdrawn.
Happy Christmas to you, Francis.
But the privilege will never be withdrawn, at least by society acting to do so. Circumstances may force it, but in that case it’ll be a protracted, bloody business.
The link in his comment leads to a great post by Francis Porretto, and this really jumped out at me:
“..When a society makes special provisions for a particular class of persons, such that those persons have a good expectation of not suffering for illegal or antisocial behavior, it has committed the worst imaginable injustice against the persons in that class who honor their society’s laws and norms: it has equalized the legal, social, and moral positions of good citizens and thugs.”
Well you know KG,the new morality is whatever the media says it is.That’s why this “shopping” event is being treated no differently than a routine animal migration.And of course the public goes along with the new morality because they are Lemmings.
The government,well the folks running that are immoral by nature so they aren’t going to say anything lest the media morality test be applied-you know the tests,one for conservatives and another for liberals.
If your conservative say the wrong thing and they are shocked,horrified,outraged even!If your liberal,well you can commit murder and it will be justified as they deify you as a victim.
Rioting for a pair of shoes…..these people are probably stupid to vote for obama. Oh……
“stupid enough” duh!
Affirmative shopping. It’s one of their fundamental [human – sic] rights.