The war against fatherhood

‘IF YOU are a male, take Tom’s story as a very serious warning. Two years ago, he was working on an apprenticeship, had two of his three children living with him, supportive parents in the same Queensland town and, at 32, the world ahead of him.
Now, at 34, he’s broken. He feels his name has been lost after it was published in the local newspaper. He’s lost his house, too. He hasn’t a job and the depression he now suffers works against him finding one.
None of that really matters, though. What is really eating away at him is the fact he hasn’t seen his only daughter, now aged 11, since October 3, 2009 – the day an accusation of sexual assault was made against him by one of his daughter’s friends……’     source
and HERE
And for just a glimpse of the filth and dishonesty operating here–driven by feminists, socialists and academics (but I repeat) take a look below the fold…

‘…As they proceeded, the “allegations” were treated as real events – and conclusions drawn from them. That is, what had to be proved was taken as proven. A key conclusion of this study was that only 9 per cent of allegations were false and that false accusations were no more prevalent in the Family Court than elsewhere. However, the 9 per cent figure was not reached from a study of the 200 cases. It comes from a smaller sub-study of a mere 30 cases. The researchers examined the files and decided on the 9 per cent figure without revealing on what criteria they operated…’     source

‘………….It is chilling to find a judge brushing aside injustice. This better than any other statement takes us into the mental world of Family Court judges.
This summarises the sort of court the Family Court has become when it hears abuse cases:
One citizen denounces another citizen for a horrific crime.
The accused is assumed to be guilty until the trial.
The onus of proof is on the accused.
At the trial the standard of proof is not beyond reasonable doubt; not on the balance of probabilities; but lingering doubts in the mind of the judge.
The punishment of the guilty is denial of access to their child.
There is seldom exoneration of the innocent.
This court of law has become a gross abuser of human rights…’

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17 Responses to The war against fatherhood

  1. Andrei says:

    It’s actually a war against males and masculinity – I fear for my son.

    My girls are fine, they are intelligent and beautiful and doors open for them but my boy is adrift because what’s on offer?

    Marriage and family is a motivator – well it used to be. it isn’t anymore, the architects of human destruction have worked their wicked will – they actually serve Satan and advance his cause.

    The future is a few boys who get their rocks of by fucking each other and their existence tolerated by their wanking into a jar to provide the seed for the predominantly female next generation raised in poor women’s wombs hired to nurture the offspring of well heeled lesbians.

    Sounds like nirvana.

  2. WAKE UP says:

    There’s a whole generation of kids coming whose “father” is a teaspoon.

  3. Brooding Log Cabin Nutter says:

    ‘Fraid I kinda lost interest when I read this bit KG: “when a non-biological lesbian mother successfully applied to have the name of the father, a sperm donor, struck off the birth certificate of his IVF-conceived 10-year-old daughter and replaced with her own” Lost souls, all of ’em. Sorry.
    As for the judicial system (like the C of E and both of which we once were lead to believe were independent of the State): it’s now a mere glove puppets of big government and bends whichever way those with their greedy hands on the levers of power judge will confirm them as ‘rulers by right’.
    Whatever happened to “Love one another like I have loved you”? The Barbarians are not only at the gates, they’re inside telling us what to do on pain of death or destruction like you’re example Tom.

    • KG says:

      “The Barbarians are not only at the gates, they’re inside telling us what to do ..’
      How true. :evil:

    • Andrei says:

      We tolerate, even promote, many things we once regarded as evil, wrong, or immoral. And then we seek “explanations” for an act that seems beyond comprehension. Remove societal restraints on some evils and one can expect the demons to be freed to conduct other evil acts. — Cal Thomas

  4. rivoniaboy says:

    “From the wild Irish slums of the 19th century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history; a community that allows a large number of men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future — that community asks for and gets chaos.”
    Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 1965

  5. Katie says:

    With false reports being prosecuted even after they are found to be false, the true molesters are laughing with glee.

    Why not? They don’t get arrested and innocent parents do.

  6. Kris K says:

    Why isn’t Lucia here pushing her line “These people [transgender and by extension lesbians/feminists] mock us by their actions and actively work to create a society in which women and children don’t matter” ???

    And additionally her assertions [in the same thread – link below] that the feminist/lesbian agenda of the last 30+ years ONLY [essentially] created victims of “women and children”, and that somehow men will come out alright after the dust has settled???

    How anyone [yes, that’s you, Lucia] can believe that it isn’t PRIMARILY men [and of course boys] who are the greatest victims of the feminist/lesbian agenda is beyond me!

    For those interested see the earlier discussion on the TrueblueNZ thread: No Job For Georgina

  7. kowtow says:

    It is astounding how fast and far this collapse in mainstream values and traditions has become. And yes it is through an unGodly alliance of left wing politics,so called human rights activism,feminism and the “equality” agenda that this is happening.
    In the EU you can get an historical document,your birth certificate, reissued to state you are a different sex to what you were when you were born.
    Britain is changing it’s categories on its passports ,if you chose to have parent 1 and 2(not father and mother)
    Spain ,under the socialists ,changed the birthcerts to have progenitor 1 and 2.
    Some interesting thoughts in the link below.

    • Brooding Log Cabin Nutter says:

      I seem to remember my old British passport’s first page beginning: “Her Britannic Majesty’s blah, blah blah, requests and requires in the name of her Majesty blah blah to let the holder pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer assistance and protection etc etc.”
      When I think of that British couple held for a year or so by Somali pirates and how British military personnel are forbidden from boarding pirate vessels for fear of upsetting their “human rights” as designated by the UN, I want to do more than just spit.
      Another example of just how little an individual means to our managerial style politicians these days, of just how little a value they put on documents like passports and which they know they can twist the importance of, deny exist and even give away in their hundreds of thousands, even millions, to emigrants into the UK and who’s introduction of an alien predatory culture is overlooked as long as their vote ends up with the correct political party.

  8. Darin says:

    As I’ve said before feminists aren’t about lifting Women up,they are all about tearing Men down.