
‘..The whole mess is the result of a politicized educational system that believes it is necessary for child to get a diploma as a social objective, because if you have one, you’re middle class. The idea that the diploma might be the outcome, rather than the cause of achievement, has never occurred to them.
Although the article focuses on the dysfunction of the students, it touches only lightly on a more serious possibility: what if the system leaders themselves can’t tell a credential and an education apart because they themselves are only credentialed?  Then the blind would be leading the blind….’    source  

‘In that case, the highest reaches of society might be manned by mediocrities who’ve been selected to prestigious journals without ever writing an article; who’ve been elected lawmakers without ever compiling a legislative record; who reach the highest office only to go directly to vacation; who’ve presided over a depression and yet compare themselves to the greatest of past leaders — to Lincoln and to Roosevelt. Thank God things haven’t reached that point.’

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16 Responses to edukashun:

  1. “The idea that the diploma might be the outcome, rather than the cause of achievement, has never occurred to them.”

    Now where did I first hear of that notion?

    “My boy, where I come from we have great institutions called universities, where men sit around all day doing nothing but thinking deep thoughts — and with no more brains than you! But they do have one thing you haven’t got: a diploma!

    Clearly, the idea predates the fantasies of today’s educrats. But I rather think L. Frank Baum was being playful about it.

    • KG says:

      Was it Pirsig in “Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” who suggested that universities had become corrupted by the expectation that they would award degrees? Or is my 40 year-old memory of that book hopelessly awry?

      • Flashman says:

        Takes me back!

        Persig wrote another “reflective novel” [it’s name has rotted down into compost in my brain] whose hero was a disillusioned, alcoholic failed academic railing against the university system. A gloomy and depressing mirror of his mind.

        Methinks Mr Persig got declined tenure – but I’m too lazy at this point to Wikipee him.

  2. Robertvdl says:

    As long as they cannot make obedient clones in mass they need this school system to brainwash us into obedient clone thinking.Education is not for education but for controlling the mass with idees that make them loving the systeem that is using them. Always remember that we are just replaceable cannon fodder for the elite.And if you not play the game

    The Island

    “who reach the highest office only to go directly to vacation; who’ve presided over a depression and yet compare themselves to the greatest of past leaders — to Lincoln and to Roosevelt. Thank God things haven’t reached that point.’”


  3. KG says:

    He was er…taking the piss, as they say in polite company, Robert. :grin:

  4. KG says:

    Sorry, my mind was elsewhere and I assumed…never mind. :oops:

  5. Andrei says:

    I have a kindy teacher er sorry I meant Early childhood Educator or ECE in my family.

    Who showed me this piece from a teacher of five year oldsIt’s Ok to Be Neither

    Then I guided the direction of the conversation toward gender. As a class, we brainstormed a list of things that students thought were “OK” even though they might challenge society’s gender norms. Monica told us very matter-of-factly, “It’s OK for a girl to marry a girl,” and Jordan said, “My dad carries a purse and that’s OK!” At that point I explained that my father and my friend Wayne both call their man purse a “murse.” The children were fascinated.

    Toward the end of the discussion I explained: “People make all kinds of different decisions about gender. Sometimes, as we grow, we might not want to pick one or the other, and that’s OK; we don’t have to.” I wanted them to begin to see that our lessons were not only about expanding the gender boxes that we’ve been put into, but also questioning or eliminating them altogether.
    Afterward, I had the students do a simple write-and-respond exercise. I asked them to pick one activity that they associated with girls and one associated with boys to write about and illustrate. Monica drew two brides in beautiful wedding gowns. Miguel drew a man with a purse slung over his shoulder. I showed off the pictures on the hallway bulletin board around the words “It’s OK to Be Different.”

    • KG says:

      That….person would be one of those swinging by the neck in the breeze if I had my way.
      Poisonous, ethics-free bastards who see nothing wrong (if they’re capable of thinking about it at all, that is) with warping very young children’s minds to fit their own rotten, decadent, foul worldview. A view they’ve simply absorbed because it feels good, not out of any rigorous intellectual examination of society and the world.
      So it’s ok to fuck up somebody for life, so long as the “teacher” can go home at night feeling all warm and fuzzy about herself.
      What the hell are parents doing about this?

    • Kris K says:


      While slightly out of context, I’m reminded of the following:

      Luk 17:1 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!
      Luk 17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

      I believe there is a special place reserved in hell for those who mislead innocent children, especially in the area of God-defined male/female roles, and not least that of mother and father.

      This is a direct attack on the traditional family, marriage, and indeed God Himself. And we wonder why the post-Christian West is in self-destruct mode …