Horsecrap and bollocks:

‘SCIENTISTS have found the world’s first hybrid sharks in Australian waters.
Leading researchers in marine biology discovered 57 animals along a 2000 km stretch from Queensland to NSW.

The predators are a cross between the common blacktip shark and Australian blacktip shark, two related but genetically distinct species.
The scientists say interbreeding between the two shark species is a sign the animals are adapting to climate change…’

Huh? On what evidence? What other factors have been ruled out? Has there previously been a search specifically for hybrid sharks? What evidence is there that this isn’t simply a perfectly ordinary evolutionary development? Besides, ocean temperature measurements don’t point to any significant increase..did the sharks become aware of the ‘higher’ air temperatures when they popped ashore for a Big Mac and thought: “bloody hell! I’d better go and find a closely-related species to root before we’re all doomed!”
And does that mean the new/modified species which came into existence when the earth was warmer than it is now, may be exterminated, since they’re obviously not “natural”?


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10 Responses to Horsecrap and bollocks:

  1. ZenTiger says:

    It could be true. Ever since Man-Made Climate Change was announced, my Bullshit detector has evolved no end. :mrgreen:

  2. KG says:

    heh! :lol: In tandem with the “look, there’s a passing research grant!” reflex..
    Or should that be “research” grant?

  3. Darin says:

    Well looky there,a reverse endangered species,maybe ask the Asians if the fins taste different?

  4. Darin says:

    Come to think of it I saw a Black Woman,her White Husband and their Beige child walking in the park yesterday,is that an effect of global warming too?

    • KG says:

      Well of course it is! Any fool can see that. Just mail me a grant cheque of..oh..let’s say an even mil..and I’ll put together a very convincing case for you.
      Well, for the media, at least. You skeptics are just too damn picky.

  5. Pingback: Climate Capers | Cranky Old Crow

  6. Flashman says:

    Occam’s Razor says that it’s more likely that this is a pre-existing species that has only just been discovered and that “global warming” is thus a contrived and tenuous conceit.

    I remember hearing or reading somewhere that a single square kilometer of tropical rain forest contains tens of thousands of as yet unrecorded insect species. Given the Pacific Ocean’s size, it is probable that the same metric applies.

    Sorry “climate scientists” that’s a F Grade on Basic Research Methods and you’ll have to repeat the course next semester.

  7. Tom says:

    Darin, That could simply be a lucky black women.