Google just made it easier for your government to censor your Blogspot blog!


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9 Responses to Google just made it easier for your government to censor your Blogspot blog!

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    It seems all the blogspot addresses are resolving locally. I now get for Keeping Stock, for Cactus Kate. for NZ Conservative.

    And you tell me google aren’t evil?

  2. KG says:

    “And you tell me google aren’t evil?”
    Heh..I’ve regarded the bastards as evil for a long time now, Gantt. Which is why I got my own domain and wrestle with WordPress rather than the ease of use of Blogger. I won’t even use Google search. Ixquick is better, more secure and less biased.
    I doubt this latest move of theirs will cause much outrage at all–the sheeple will just shrug.

  3. KG says:

    I rest my case. Lucia Maria just wrote (at that link above) “there’s pluses and minuses really”.
    I’m sure that’s what Chinese dissidents say….not!

  4. KG says:

    This year, I’m paranoid for having Hushmail. By next year it will look like an ordinary commonsense precaution.

    • Andrei says:

      It is utterly astonishing how fast the USA is going down the toilet – when you reach the point where the underwear of little old ladies in wheelchairs is being searched by Government apparatchiks before boarding a plane you know its game over,

      Why the Americans are standing for this sort of crap is a mystery to me

  5. KG says:

    We’ll be next Andrei and we will stand for it too.

    • KG says:

      Great stuff, Lucia Maria. And I think Zen’s comment is spot-on:
      “..It’s a new form of fascism where the government still acts as a police state, but it gets corporates to actually do all the leg work, and rather than taxes going up.”