Welcome to Americastan.

Federal court blocks Oklahoma ban on Sharia law
An amendment that would ban Oklahoma courts from considering international or Islamic law discriminates against religions and a Muslim community leader has the right to challenge its constitutionality, a federal appeals court said Tuesday…’
This is either insane or a deliberate attack on America. A system of law which considers international and religious laws is effectively no law at all. It allows plaintiffs and defendants to pick and choose and judges to do the same. The result would be chaotic in practice. But of course, the vast majority of Americans wouldn’t invoke foreign or religious laws and the bastards who brought down this decision know that. So they’ve effectively created a privileged group under the law and if this isn’t treasonous behaviour, then what is?

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7 Responses to Welcome to Americastan.

  1. andy5759 says:

    The word ‘treason’ is being used more and more here in England. Some bloggers have even gone as far as to report senior politicians to the police, even Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II has been accused. To what end? Nada, zilch, SFA. The more we people shout and scream at them the more they put their fingers in their ears and chant “La – la – la, I can’t hear you”. They have united against the people whom they have divided on spurious lines of dogma. For example; left versus right. There is no such distinction between our main political parties, only the imagined divide between us poor, deluded sheeple. I think we may need to stage our own Judeo/Christian Spring, that doesn’t trip off the tongue very easily does it? Whatever we do, or they do, we need to do something. Every day lengthens the odds against our success. Their is a great price to pay for our failure, and even greater price for our failure even to act.

    Sorry about the rant, sometimes it helps to get these things out there.

  2. KG says:

    We like rants around here, Andy. :smile:

  3. Kris K says:

    Indeed, well said Andy – and spot on.
    If those of us who still value strong Judeo-Christian values and principles don’t make a stand then things are only going to get worse. Our so called political ‘elite’ are the LAST ones we should be relying on in this regard – in fact they are more often than not the root problem [as we well know].

  4. WAKE UP says:

    Why don’t Muslims migrate to MUSLIM countries?