Department of Justice Site Down, Anonymous Takes Credit

DOJ and the sites of their capitalist crony friends, those responsible for the SOPA abomination.    Nice one!     (Thanks to Carol for the tip.)

There are times when breaking the law is a moral obligation. Congratulations, Anonymous.

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26 Responses to Department of Justice Site Down, Anonymous Takes Credit

  1. KG says:

    What, nobody is going to comment and accuse me of not respecting property rights? Disappointed, I am. :lol:

  2. Andrei says:

    OK, my thoughts – Anonymous are a bunch of loosers like the occupy people.

    Organizing DOS attacks doesn’t take smarts, doesn’t achieve diddly.

    What Wikipedia did was effective – because they put their money where there mouth was metaphorically and people noticed.

    The only people who will notice DOJ are down is FA and most couldn’t care less

    • KG says:

      Was it a DOS attack, Andrei?
      In any case, it’s a demonstration of push-back and as such I applaud it. These bills are draconian, designed to protect their cronies and their political donations/propaganda base. And you’ll also notice they’ve taken down the sites of the RIAA and several others who support the bills. So it’s certainly not just the DO”J”.
      In future, we may well end up depending on groups such as this to cripple government/s which have grown arrogant and now serve themselves and their cronies instead of the people.

  3. Darin says:

    If it makes Eric Von Holder and Obama look silly I like it.

  4. mawm says:

    All the copyright stuff is a load of cr*p anyway. If you make a film/music and distribute it to the public you have lost ownership of it. Period.

      • oswald bastable says:

        As someone who actually has something to lose by people ‘stealing’ it online- I was told years ago not to worry about a few illegal downloads of my books.

        The real worry was that nobody would download/read them!

        (8,500 downloads to date!)

        • KG says:

          Which raises an interesting point, Os–who’s to say that the extra word-of-mouth publicity from illegally downloaded stuff doesn’t eventually benefit the artist?
          And illegal downloads don’t in any case necessarily represent lost sales.

      • WAKE UP says:

        nope :cool:

  5. Kris K says:

    “Shut me down … how do you like being shut down?!”

    Obama and his DOJ cronies fired the first salvo – they’d be fools not to think they’d receive some return fire.

    … of course I could never condone such actions ;)

  6. KG says:

    ‘HACKTAVIST group Anonymous have compiled and published a dossier containing personal information about employees of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and US Democratic party leaders and their families.

    The hacking group released a document on file-sharing site listing the websites they planned to attack along with the names of US Democratic Party leaders and MPAA employees and their families.

    The details included property values, work and home phone numbers and addresses as well as the names, ages and schools of the member’s children.’

  7. Kris K says:

    Seems appropriate in the current context:

    William Jennings Bryan said it in 1896 in a vastly different context, but every word applies to conservatives today:

    We do not come as aggressors. Our war is not a war of conquest; we are fighting in the defence of our homes, our families, and posterity. We have petitioned, and our petitions have been scorned; we have entreated, and our entreaties have been disregarded; we have begged, and they have mocked when our calamity came. We beg no longer; we entreat no more; we petition no more. We defy them!

    • KG says:

      Yessir! :smile: Oh yes indeedy! The government is now the enemy, in every meaningful way. When their agents can kick in innocent people’s doors and murder them without consequence, when the people have to ask the government’s permission to do what is their right, when illegal searches by government agents are condoned by the courts and when redress under the law is denied the people….then all bets ought to be off. I applaud any action which makes life harder for the bastards.

  8. For FREEDOM!!
    thanks for the h/t link==
    glad you all are taking it the same way as I–
    govt tyranny starts with small steps-
    SOPA and PIPA were the start–
    we must continue to be on guard–

  9. KG says:

    There’s just one infallible indicator of evil legislation–as soon as a politician says “it won’t be used against…..”
    Because it always is, eventually.

    • Darin says:

      Yep,it’s like giving an idiot a button and then telling him not to mash it.You know he won’t be able to resist.

  10. The Gantt Guy says:

    My take: just as sometimes Good People can do Bad Things, the converse is also true. Sometimes Bad People can do Good Things, whether intentionally or otherwise. These guys are the Occutards of the Internet, but on this occasion they’ve worked a good deed. The enemy of my enemy, and all that.

    • Kris K says:

      Exactly right, Gantt.
      And in the biblical context God used/uses His enemies [usually Israel’s as well] to measure out His judgement. I also believe He even uses Satan when it serves His purposes [see 1 Cor 5:5 & 2 Cor 12:7].

  11. WAKE UP says:

    The problem here is two levels of involvement; the broader, and mighty issue of control (by government or whoever) and internet freedom (the macro issue, if you will), and the right of the creator of a product to profit from his enterprise ( the micro issue) .

    While these two issues are commingled (as they are above) no solution to either problem will be found – they need to be separated out and discussed separately.
    ps : with his track record, I’d like to know how the fat Yank got NZ residency – I know people far more deserving who can’t get in.i

  12. WAKE UP says:

    Funny how it’s only media / entertainment that people expect to get for free; nobody expects a free car, meal, house or dole payment…

    …wait a minute :mrgreen: