“I am tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republicans”     Newt Gingrich. H/T Andrei

Update: Wolf Howling has some interesting comments on the debates.

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26 Responses to ABOUT TIME!

  1. Darin says:

    John King,just one of many reasons I don’t watch the Communist News Network

    Good,bout time somebody took the media to the woodshed!

    • KG says:

      A lovely thing to see. :smile:

      • Ronbo says:

        Gingrich is running a campaign ad that talks about the “Second American Revolution” – and this is exactly what will happen if the Patriots get control of the presidency and the Congress in 2012!

        These are, indeed, revolutionary times not only in America, but in the world at large. I would compare what’s happen today with the European revolutionary period of 1848/49 in reverse, since it is directed against international socialism in all its endless varieties and the GLOBAL ruling class.

        Gingrich may be the standard bearer in this revolution. He’s highly intelligent, experienced, educated and ruthless in his pursuit of victory.

        But Patriots wonder if he is prepared to be an American Cromwell who will crush the executive branch, federal bureaucracy and Congress?

        If it’s a revolution – the members of the old regime must lose their heads…Yes, I really do mean that – an example must be made of traitors. :twisted:

        Does Gingrich have the balls to sign the execution orders? I think at the end of the day it will come down to either killing them, or allowing them to kill us.

        New “Checkmate” chapter: http://ronbosoldier.blogspot.com/2012/01/winter-kills-part-iv.html


  2. oswald bastable says:

    I think the media need hanging ahead of the lawyers! :evil:

    • KG says:

      hmm…close call, Os. Perhaps a tandem hanging? You could start a whole new fashion in pest control.

    • Ronbo says:

      The resistance here in the States has a proscription list of traitors…and if revolution breaks out in this country, many a Big Media head will roll…literally.

      The average American hates the State Controlled Media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, New York Times, etc.) with a white hot rage and wants them and their socialist propaganda to disappear.

      Just give us six months of anarchy…we know who they are and where they live…

  3. KG says:

    ‘Can We Spare Newt Gingrich? He Fights.
    Newt Gingrich was not my preferred candidate, and still isn’t. But in these debates he has proven that Republicans love a fighter. We are tired of a biased media belittling us and denigrating, even undermining, us. We are tired of an ignorant media inflating nonsense and avoiding asking the other side the tough questions Republicans deal with every day. Like a Civil War general once accused of letting his personal problems get in the way of doing his duty, we may not be able to spare Newt Gingrich. He isn’t perfect, far from it. But he fights.
    That general later became president despite the accusations against him. For what it’s worth.’

    • Ronbo says:

      Newt Gingrich is a fighter and a BASTARD! :twisted:

      If Gingrich wants the job, he has it…If not, we Patriots will look elsewhere for our American Cromwell and his New Model Army. The motto of today’s Radical Republican is: “Lead, Follow, or get the Hell out of the Way!”

      Whether or not anyone in the USA wants to admit it – the Second American Revolutionary War is on. The Left under Obama threw down the socialist gauntlet in 2009, and it will either be Free America or Slave America at the end of what looks like a decade long struggle.

      The days of the “half free and half slave” country are nearing an end.

      • Darin says:

        I believe you are right,I’ve been sensing the same thing for awhile now.
        My gut tells me we are balanced on a razors edge,we could go either way.
        If we tip further left it will be generations before we have another chance to right the ship.
        If we tip right we will see another golden age of liberty being born,not just for us,but also many others in the world.

  4. GW says:

    You gotta’ love Newt. His combative attitude is what virtually every single Republican I know wants to see. This is vintage Newt, He has had a chip on his shoulder for the media since the first debate three months ago. He’s left a whole boat full of left wing media types lying by the side of the trail, hollering for medics.

    • KG says:

      He sure has, GW. The fact is the mood of Republican voters is for a fight, and Romney’s anaemic, bipartisan/accommodation stance is not what people are looking for. And I think that fact has the Republican establishment and the left very worried indeed. They’d like to quietly carve up Washington between themselves and the Democrats. Or rather, keep it carved up.
      The conventional wisdom about Romney being able to capture the independents is over-stated, in my view. Show them a strong, principled leader who will stand up for America and they’ll climb aboard readily enough.
      What a pity Bolton isn’t running….and Allen West.

  5. Darin says:

    Did anybody ever just stop to think maybe Newt’s angry ex is just a bitch and that’s why he left her?In her interview the impression I got of her was of a typical all obsessive “everything is about me “type the kind that smother they’re husbands.

    • KG says:

      An interesting comment on the subject by somebody over at Eternity Road:
      “What I find chuckle-worthy about this whole sordid mess, is Marianne (who cheated with Newt on Jackie) is shocked and dismayed that her new husband wants to play hanky-panky with someone else.”

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    Look, if it was all about the ability to debate, Newt would have this thing wrapped up already. But it isn’t. The biggest thing against Newt is the fact he’s Newt. He’s a moonbat, and you just never know what he’ll do next!

    Slightly OT, but is it looking like Mitt’s tax records are going to be his ‘birth certificate’ issue? Why the hell is he so ashamed of being rich? Did he get wealthy by financing illegal weapons (or, in these enlightened times, funding megaupload.com)? No he damn well didn’t. So why is he embarrassed? Idiot.

    Even further OT, it looks like they’re gonna give Iowa to Santorum. Which means if Newt self-destructs and Romney’s embarrassed-by-his-wealth strategy undoes him, Santorum’s chances of winning the nomination just took a little bump.

    • KG says:

      “He’s a moonbat, and you just never know what he’ll do next!”
      Maybe, just maybe that’s the kind of President America’s enemies need to be looking at. Newt’s finger would be hovering over the Big Red Button a lot sooner than Romney’s ever would.
      A little fear in in the minds of one’s enemies is no bad thing….

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        hmmm. Newt vs ahmadinejad. Newt vs Kim Jung Un. Newt vs Helen Clark. Those are scraps I’d pay to see!

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Yeah, but he just as likely to instruct NASA to launch a mission to extract the giant diamond of the centre of Saturn!*

            Or direct the Keystone Pipeline out the top of Canada, around the top of Greenland and down the coast of the US in the Middle of the Atlantic, to keep the watermelons from complaining about some wetland in the middle states.

            Stolen unashamedly from Hannity or PJTV, can’t remember which.

  7. Alan says:

    This a very ordinary field of four Republican candidates. If the Republicans cannot
    come up with better than these drones to run for President, they are doomed to
    four more years of Obama and fabian socialism.

    • KG says:

      They can come up with better–but they won’t. I absolutely believe the agendas of the Republican and Democrat parties have more in common with one another and the ruling elite in Washington than they do with the American people.

  8. mort says:

    did you see the piece on Obama singing today… if you ever wanted a demonstration about how the media are biased and show demo’s in good light while casting all sorts of evil light over GOP candidates that surely had to be a good one. It was sickening. Where was the questioning about the bath house attendances? Are they not of the same level of scurrilousness as Newt’s infidelity? Where are the questions on the links to radical black power thuggery?….

  9. GW says:

    Thanks for the link KG. Much appreciated.

  10. WAKE UP says:

    The media don’t give a damn that they are also hurting Gingrich’s ex-wife – she’s just this week’s cannon-fodder. And all to keep a President in office who can’t say a straight word about ANYTHING.