the latest Woodpile Report is up

an excerpt:
‘..As Mark Twain said, if voting changed anything it would be illegal. If the destination of the bus doesn’t change, why would changing the driver matter? Why do we vote for the lesser evil and hope for a good outcome? Hope doesn’t change anything, hope reveals powerlessness. Hope is for the helpless, the defeated. There is but one legal strategy remaining. Withhold our vote and withhold our consent. Reclaim our own legitimacy one citizen at a time. Rather than throw our vote away, stay out of national elections. Vote “none of the above”. This is our real civic duty. It’s not as if we’re missing an opportunity, whole generations have learned the fix is in whichever way it goes…’
Yes indeed!  (bold mine)

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2 Responses to the latest Woodpile Report is up

  1. “none of the above”
    love it!
    no more votes for the less of two evils-
    been saying and stating this for 15 years or more—
    as a ‘former’ “leader” in the r movement-I can say- no more-
    lesser of two evils for me!

  2. KG says:

    Same here, Carol. As long as politicians can claim legitimacy by virtue of votes cast by people who are merely bidding at an auction of stolen goods – and who have no skin in the game – the farce and sham will continue.
    Refusing to vote will force our masters to show their true colours, to bare their teeth and reveal the beast that government truly is.