A good NZ Herald editorial:

‘The disquieting Dotcom case’
76 cops, two helicopters and a dawn raid for alleged copyright infringement!

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11 Responses to A good NZ Herald editorial:

  1. oswald bastable says:

    As an author, I take copyright infringement quite seriously, but FFS- how about putting those resources into busting brown barbarians pedaling meth to kids!

  2. Redbaiter says:

    The Herald days late and only saying half of what should be said.

    Where’s the due process?

    Where’s the proven crime?

    John Key and The National Party once again in one hell of a hurry to betray what they profess to stand for.

    • KG says:

      By the Herald’s usual standards, it’s not bad. I’ve given up hope of it ever becoming a real newspaper.

  3. dad4justice says:

    A police state at work, but the slippery socialists will say I am just another paranoid,hallucinating,conspiracy theory kook.

    Wake up kiwi before you kiss freedom goodbye!

    • KG says:

      Too late, D4J. Even if they woke up tomorrow, it’s too late to wind this back. Key is the “Middle Way” agent of the U.N.

      • Yokel says:

        dad4justice said: A police state at work, but the slippery socialists will say I am just another paranoid,hallucinating,conspiracy theory kook.

        NZHerald said: The police’s colourful version of events was helpfully presented to the news media in a detailed press release – in stark contrast to the neither-confirm-nor-deny response they take to media questions when, say, a civilian is shot by an officer.

        Did not the NZ police inherit the tradition of British policing that (according to Sir Robert Peel) the police were civilians who happened to wear uniform, and who were paid to do full time what was in any case incumbent upon all of HM’s subjects, ie upholding the law of the land? That the police consider themselves a body apart for the civilians has been evident in Britain for far too long, and no-one with any clout has challenged it. Far too entrenched, and beyond correction for the time being.

  4. Viking says:

    I have had a suspicion this whole process stinks like kina shells in the sun, right from the outset. I have wondered and posed the question on KB which Ministers knew about this and when. The first statement I read said that ministers only heard about this hours before it happened. Elsewhere today I read that Ministers knew this was going to be happening I full month before Dotcom was refused permission to buy the estate. Maurice Williamson was named as the responsible Minister who was apparently overruled by Simon Power. Power subsequently quit Parliament.
    My gut intuition is that Power was overruled by tinkerbell as Attorney General and Collins as the Police Minister. Both I wouldn’t trust in a fox hole.
    Power on the other hand I would.
    Could it be that this was the straw that broke the camels back and that he no longer wanted to be part of a Yankee bend over Govt.?
    As I said it stinks and I hope that Davidson and co go tough and that they get a Judge with balls. (Unlikely I know).

  5. Viking says:

    Apologies for the spelling. Didn’t check it. :roll:

    • KG says:

      Spelling? What spelling? :lol:
      We don’t care about either spelling or typos around here, Viking. What counts is the content. Thanks for the comment, and it sounds pretty plausible.

  6. Flashman says:

    I enjoyed the breathless old school media gush: “NZ police work with FBI”!!!!

    Look at us! Look at us! Running wi’ the Big Dogs we is!!