Romney on Obamacare:

“It’s not worth getting angry about.”
The perfect illustration of why the man is simply Obama-Lite.
‘…For the Republican and Democratic establishment and their lackeys, it has never been about principles or the middle class. It has always been about saying or doing whatever it takes to feed at the public trough..’

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2 Responses to Romney on Obamacare:

  1. mort says:

    does Romney have his finger in a few health insurance/ provider pies which would conveniently reap the benefits of Obama’s-healthmare package?

    I guess he made his money out of being an insider, and this policy is just an extension of selecting a few more insiders to ride the gravy train to wealth at the expense of the ever further pilfered taxpayer

  2. KG says:

    They’re all bloody criminals of one kind or another, Mort. :evil: