This woman is an idiot.

AN adrenaline-seeking mother has defended her decision to scale a cliff face with her two-year-old child strapped to her back – without a helmet.
….”It is the safest form of climbing you can do. I was also in a beach environment surrounded by experienced climbers.”
She said health and safety legislation and the sue-and-blame culture has made people afraid to take risks – something she embraces…’
Firstly, she’s free to “embrace” risk all she likes–but she isn’t free to do it on behalf of a child too young to make an informed choice. Second, she in one breath claims it’s the “safest form of climbing” and then claims she’s embracing risk!

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17 Responses to This woman is an idiot.

  1. Katie says:

    Then again if she fell and landed on the little bastard no harm would have been done. It would be considered a “Mercy Killing”.

  2. Mark.V. says:

    What has a beach environment and being surrounded by experienced climbers got to do with safety? If she fell there is nothing the other climbers could do to stop her falling. Her actions are those typical of many women who claim various rights but are unwilling to accept any responsibility.

    • Stevew says:

      She can’t fall – she’s top roped. She can dance a jig and wave both hands in the air, she won’t go anywhere.
      As for the helmet, only really necessary where there is unstable rock – can’t tell the condition of the route from the article.
      My only concern would be how well the child is secured to her back, but there is no mention of this in the article either.

      • Cadwallader says:

        Yes, she may seem to be a nut-job but she has not endangered the child’s life in the manner Michael jackson did when waving his child off a high balcony. Perhaps her next exploit will to ride a cycle the wrong way down a motor-way with the child on the handle-bars?

      • KG says:

        Yes she can fall, top-roped or not. It’s happened before and can again.
        “As for the helmet, only really necessary where there is unstable rock – ”
        Bullshit. The next time a climber gets hit by something dislodged by one of the party above them won’t be the first. And if she considers a helmet necessary, how come she doesn’t think the kid needs one?
        Have you had a commonsense bypass Stevew?

        • Darin says:

          Gravity is such a Bitch.

        • Stevew says:

          No, just pretty extensive climbing experience (including Welsh sea cliffs).

          • KG says:

            Same here. Free climbing, Arctic warfare course etc.

            • Stevew says:

              Well, when I were a lad, nobody much bothered with helmets on sea cliffs like these, at least on easy and “well-trodden” routes like the one she is one ( except for people doing outdoor pursuits courses – or military climbers ;-) ) – they got so much traffic that every bit of loose choss had long since been dislodged.
              No, I’m not anti-helmet: I always wore one in Scotland and the Alps, but rarely for UK cragging.
              Yes, you are technically right, top-roping is not absolutely 100% safe, but done sensibly it’s usually less risky than crossing the road.
              Actually the whole thing is some kind of elf n’ safety storm in a teacup: I’m sure she only did it once for the picture – who the hell would want to regularly climb with a snivelling toddler squirming about on their back? If you look at her blog this picture is just one tiny part of a whole montage of images. Some professional offence taker type has obviously spotted it and sent it to the media to do one of their faux outrage stories.
              Of course all of the outraged comments become entirely justified if the child isn’t securely attached to her back, and I can’t see any straightforward and safe way to do that.

              • KG says:

                “..and I can’t see any straightforward and safe way to do that.”
                Staples? :lol:

                Agreed about the whole thing being something of a beat-up, Stevew. I just haven’t figured out to what end, yet. Any theories?

      • Mark.V. says:

        Yes she can fall. The rope will stop falling too far, with a jolt. Her infant will as a consequence suffer severe whiplash injuries, she will probably spin around at the end of her rope and crash into the cliff face, probably crushing her infant. But she will be safe.

  3. mara says:

    Mark V. ” women claiming rights without responsibility?” No. It’s about a parent and an innocent child who may not live to grow up because his parent, in this case mother, is clearly incapable of rational thought. Sadly this story is an example of how imbeciles are permitted to breed, and having had children, are allowed to keep them.

  4. sbk says:

    “how imbeciles are permitted to breed”…and the reason why the West lost…not enough infidels and to many imbeciles.

  5. Darin says:

    “But the single mother, a full-time student working toward a degree in outdoor education, has hit back at her critics.”

    WTF is “Outdoor education”?
    Why are the taxpayers paying for it?
    And shouldn’t some one who names a child Ffion be jailed?

    Oh,wait she’s a “single mother” :roll: that explains her exaltation to deity.

  6. WAKE UP says:

    How come the media knew about it in the first place?

    Oh, of course….