Leftists…generous with other people’s money:

‘..In other news, President Obama has asked the Congress to approve almost $800 million in aid for the Muslim Brotherhood Arab Spring countries, to help get them back on their feet…’                  Gates of Vienna
Meanwhile, the same unspeakable creeps in Washington are reducing benefits for American armed forces personnel, in the name of “budget cuts”!
Update:Muslim Brotherhood Warns U.S. Aid Cut May Affect Egypt’s Peace Treaty With Israel’
Ain’t it grand, having a President whose strings are being pulled by terrorist organisations?  No problem for the Boy King though..he can simply throw more American taxpayer’s money at them. This what passes for “foreign policy” under this corrupt Administration.

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7 Responses to Leftists…generous with other people’s money:

  1. Obama is only paying jizya.

  2. Octagongrappler says:

    I saw on Fox the other day The Muslim in chief has released his campagn song list lol.

  3. mawm says:

    It’s time to remind the Muslim Brotherhood that $800 000 000 could pay for a lot of avgas and munitions…. :mrgreen:

  4. Katie says:

    The Muslim Brotherhood is itching for a fight with Israel. I guess some of those Israeli pilots are itching to blow up the Aswan High Dam. A decent trade if you ask me.