‘The Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa’

Silence from the leftards. Not a peep. Nothing. So much for their mealy-mouthed utterences about “international law” and “justice” etc… Liars and hypocrites, the lot of them.Some of us have long memories–Wabbit still remembers Australia’s then Foreign Minister, Gareth Evans, supporting Pol Pot…and Australian lefty academics denying the Cambodian genocide.

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29 Responses to ‘The Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa’

  1. octagongrappler says:

    Keith Locke was also a supporter of pol pot :roll:

  2. Mawm says:

    Most of those farmers found dead had been handcuffed, tortured and then executed. The President has persisted in singing about his machine gun and killing the colonials, the ANC youth league about killing ‘the boer’ (farmer) and laws have been pAssed restricting gun ownership. In the 18 years of ANC lead government the number of commercial farmers has declined from 80 000 to 20 000 and South Africa has become a net importer of food.

    • KG says:

      It’s a humanitarian tragedy on a vast scale, and yet the media, the U.N. and every Western government are ignoring it. This disgrace tells me all I need to know about law, international law and effing governments.
      Screw all of them–none deserve either respect or compliance with their laws.

      • Mawm says:

        Apartheid, such an evocative word, and stupidly put on the Statutes by the National Party, was no different to the ‘natural’ segregation that occured between the advanced European society and the iron age African society throughout the rest of Africa. However it served the leftwing cause immensely in their being able to entrench the slur of ‘racism’. That the result of self rule has resulted in millions of deaths and abject poverty for Africans does not seem to bother the liberal left, but then they have not been concerned by the deaths of millions as a result of their policies before.

  3. KG says:

    There’s no way to reason with leftists, and no accommodation with them or compromise is possible. At heart they’re murderous thugs with a veneer of righteousness and compassion that sucks idealistic young people in.
    I don’t argue with them any more. They’re the enemy as far as I’m concerned and deserving only of loathing and contempt.

    • Andrei says:

      Our besetting problem arises out of the fact that too many influential people in the western governments and mass media hate the West even more fiercely than they hate the West’s enemies

      My Quote of the day on Tuesday http://nzconservative.blogspot.co.nz/2012/02/quote-of-day.html

    • octagongrappler says:

      Thats why im not married KG, Most women are left wing liberals and I just dont have the emotional energy to be interested so I dont bother.

      • KG says:

        Grappler, I’m very, very fortunate to be married to a sensible woman–she loathes lefties as much as I do. :smile:
        So there are some out there.
        Mara, for instance always writes damn good comments and I’d share a drink or two with her any day.
        Medusa is another. So is DM. All fine women. And I’ve probably forgotten one or two.

        • KG says:

          Actually, I left out at least four! So take heart. :smile:

          • George says:

            Actually marriage was the best thing that has happened to me. I’m not saying it was the easiest, but I signed up for the duration with a good conservative woman.

      • Kris K says:

        “Most women are left wing liberals …”

        Sadly you’re quite right, Spidy. The following Ann Coulter quote says it all really:

        “It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 – except Goldwater in ’64 – the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted.”
        Ann Coulter

        And better to be single than to be “unequally yoked”.

        2Co 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
        2Co 6:15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

        … or a conservative [husband] with a liberal [wife]?

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    I’m glad we’re calling this for what it is. It is definitely genocide – ethnic cleansing – but where are the UN peacekeepers? Where is the international media?

    Oh, you mean it only counts as genocide when the victims are black or mooslems? :twisted:

  5. Pingback: Catch up News and Views | Cranky Old Crow

  6. mort says:

    So Australasia has to take in refugees…. and a significant proportion of them are from Africa… whats the likelyhood Gov’t will offer those white farmers asylum instead of the rapists and murderers from somalia?

  7. Scumsucker says:

    I’ve nearly finished reading the biography of Pol Pol. As one Cambodian women put it ‘they were such cretins’.

    We have the same cretins in NZ. They are called Green, Labour and National voters.

  8. Flashman says:

    Having spent over 35 years in Africa, in my opinion once the indigenous get into what passes for government, Whites can expect to live [exist?] only on sufferance. Simply put, the White Man no longer has a place there and should expect to ground between the millstones of an impoverished criminal mass and a rapacious, utterly corrupt ruling aristocracy who will turn on him as whimsical political expediencies require.

    It was this factor [combined with a desire to live out my twilight years in the land of my birth] that lead me to close the door on Africa – a place I now look at as though through a weak telescope from the other side of the Cosmos.

  9. KG says:

    I loved Africa, but that world is now gone. Just as ours will be, I believe.

  10. I have been waiting for someone to ‘scream’ about reverse-raaaacism-toward whites esp farmers in SA-
    I remember our govt in the US-supporting leftist black ‘leaders’ in SA —


  11. medusa says:

    Wabbit, I had a wonderful 6 weeks vacation in South Africa a ‘few’ ;-) years ago,not long after I got back to London a whole family of missionaries (including a mother and baby) were slaughtered and the pictures of the bodies were circulated by our London resident South Africans, the damn MSM wouldn’t touch it, people have no idea just how bad it has continued to be, remember the ‘burning tyres’ necklaces? :evil:

  12. mara says:

    For those of you with a strong stomach for the reality in SA now, I recommend “Into the Cannibal’s Pot” by Ilana Mercer. I got mine from Amazon. One reviewer’s comment …..
    “The Western press promptly forgot all about South Africa after Nelson Mandela assumed presidency. The commissars of allowable opinion pretend atrocities have not been taking place, and smear anyone who mentions them. Ilana Mercer will have none of the lies and omissions of the commissars and the cowards. For the sake of black and white South Africans alike, her compelling account deserves a wide and sympathetic audience.” Thomas E. Woods, PhD, historian, author etc…

  13. MK says:

    Having been there recently, i can say that things are not getting any better. The level of corruption is getting worse from what i could see. It never ceases to amaze me how many mercedes benzes, BMWs, Audis and other luxury cars people have there.

    I’ve never seen that many in the rich suburbs of Australia, let alone amongst the general public and we’re supposed to be a 1st world country.

    Blacks can do no wrong.

  14. AMartinez no not that one,lol says:

    This is the future coming to America if the left has it’s way!