Just brilliant!

‪Liz Trotta Responds to Criticism of Comments on Women in Combat. (thanks Darin for this)

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14 Responses to Just brilliant!

  1. Darin says:

    Oh,boy the Feminazis are really off the rails on this one.They want her fired,tarred and feathered and run out of town,but most importantly silenced.

    She nails them on so many points no wonder they are pissed.Things like-

    Why are the PT requirements lower for women than men?

    Why won’t the Pentagon released the stats on pregnancy?

    Why should we the taxpayers have to supply two of everything logistically?

    Why should taxpayers and national security pay the price for another of the Lefts social experiments?

  2. KG says:

    I suspect the fact that Trotta has impeccable credentials as far as the subject is concerned just enrages the femmies even more, Darin. :lol:

    • Darin says:

      You know it.I was wondering today what happens when a female GI gets knocked up and uses it as an out-vs-an ALLEGED rape used as an out?

      I’m betting the latter gets them sent state side for a reserve deployment and the prior gets them a dishonorable discharge.Either way they go home.

      I say if they insist on being in combat,then make the PT requirements equal,insist they hot bunk,share the same latrines and the same showers.It’s the military gals,not the special Olympics,not everybody wins.

    • Andrei says:

      What we should happen is the women calling for women to be infantry persons should be put into the infantry and sent to the hottest war zones to make their case.

      After the Taliban get their hands on a couple of the noisier ones we would here no more of this nonsense.

  3. WAKE UP says:

    Men fight. Women are what they fight FOR. QED.

  4. WAKE UP says:

    Not unrelated topic: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/6443330/Women-prisoners-cost-much-more-to-lock-up

    Heres the headline: “Women prisoners cost much more to lock up. Female prisoners have added a new meaning to the term “high maintenance”, with women inmates costing 50 per cent more to keep in jail than men. ”

    Why? Because they have to build minority women’s facilities in all the men’s prisons to accommodate women who “have to be near their children”, rather than distributed throughout the system like the men are. etc …

  5. Anonymous says:

    Wonder if numpties like yourselves could achieve this.


    • The Gantt Guy says:

      What was that which just went sliding on by you, Anon-tard? Oh, it was the point. And you completely missed it.

      • KG says:

        And for your information, little anonymous coward, some of us have. That and far more.
        Now fuck off.

  6. KG says:

    Anonymous is not only gutless, it doesn’t have both oars in the water either… :lol: Let’s leave it up for the amusement value.

  7. KG says:

    The next time anonymous feels a synapse fire, it’ll die of fright. :lol: