Bureaucracy is killing us.

On starting an online store in Greece:
‘..“Most stores begin operating after receiving only the approval regarding their brand name, as the bureaucracy involved takes such a long time to complete that it is simply impossible to keep up with the operational costs, such as paying rent on obligatory headquarters, without making any sales,” said Antonopoulos.
Antonopoulos and his partners spent hours collecting papers from tax offices, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the municipal service where the company is based, the health inspector’s office, the fire department and banks. At the health department, they were told that all the shareholders of the company would have to provide chest X-rays, and, in the most surreal demand of all, stool samples.
….Nothing in the story makes sense until you finally understand that the store is there — as is everything — to keep the bureaucrats involved…’

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3 Responses to Bureaucracy is killing us.

  1. I read that whole article and i must say, perhaps it’s a good thing the Greeks are now controlled by foreigners, perhaps they really do know better than those morons. A stool sample, good grief!

    “I contacted the FDA and they sent us an e-mail with directions immediately. I filled in an online form and was done in five minutes. We received the approval 24 hours after making our application.”

    Perhaps we should put our plans to burn the FDA to the ground, Ron Paul leading the charge. 24 hours and no stool sample, that’s gotta count for something. :smile:

  2. Now that i think about it, over in 3rd world Africa, bureaucracies are pretty bad, the odd palm has to be greased, long, long queues have to be navigated and countless departments too. But no one ever asked for a stool sample, unless maybe you were in a hospital with actual blood in your stool.