Francis W. Porretto has the answer

to islam. The only answer that will work:   The Smoking Qur’an
Update: and you can download the free e-book HERE

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18 Responses to Francis W. Porretto has the answer

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    I’m revising my earlier desire. In the event of a brokered convention, I’d like to see a Porretto/West ticket!

  2. KG says:

    Oh YESS!

  3. Darin says:

    We have been running a war of accommodation since 9/11.Look at the great lengths we have gone to in order to make our guests comfortable at the Gitmo Hilton.Muslim dress,prayer rugs,meals and the list goes on.

    This apology by the SCOAMF is just another form of it.All of it should at this point be stopped.Our guests at the Gitmo Hilton should be stripped of everything,locked in 3×3′ cells naked on wet concrete.The only food served should be SPAM and if they dare begin spitting or flinging feces as they are prone to do a good beating should be the reward.Gitmo should only be the final stop before the firing squad for those we think might have intelligence to give up.The water boarding should be stopped,it’s for p—ies.Wood screws under the fingernails is much more effective——after all this is still much better treatment than any western infidel gets in their grimy hands.

    All Muslims in America should be deported immediately including those claiming to be American citizens.Moderates you say?No shock,no outrage,no condemnation of Muslim atrocities?Then they are traitors and they are the enemy.Bar call boys,you don’t have to go home,but you can’t stay here get the F— out!

    As for Assganistan,suggest our allies get out,pull our troops out,kill Karzai and the ruling class before leaving and as we exit utterly destroy every Mosque in the country and Napalm the rubble.

    Leave those filthy inbred savages to wallow in their on s— with the warning that if we have to return the retribution will be so horrible and complete people will still remember it a thousand years from now.Make Alexander the great look like Snow White and use their decapitated skulls to build lasting monuments to our vengeance.

    Why am I pissed this Morning?Because they killed two more US servicemen last night and president C—sucker will probably apologise for not ordering them shot himself :evil:

    Now,off to get breakfast before I puke.

  4. KG says:

    Damn fine rant and I agree with every word.

  5. Thank you all, most sincerely. I’ve expanded the story a bit and posted it at SmashWords. It’s free, for now.

  6. Oswald Bastable says:

    Hot damn! :mrgreen:

    Now let’s spread the word and make this go viral!

    • Moist von Lipwig says:

      “Step back, Agent,” Sumner said. The Secret Serviceman did so. Sumner flicked off the safety on the rifle, leveled it at the prisoner, and fired a three-round burst into his chest. The man dropped where he’d stood. The room went completely silent.”
      “To my fellow Americans: Thank you all, and good night.”

      Now THERE’S a man I could vote for. :shock:

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    Contrast that vision of how it *should* have been handled, with this picture of surrender and dhimmitude.

  8. kowtow says:

    Rudyard Kipling knew a thing or two about that area.
    His poem “Arithmatic on the frontier” applies perhaps more so today than it did then.
    Every time I hear of yet another soldiers life wasted in that shit hole I can’t help but think of this poem. The afridis in the poem are what we now call pushtuns, the afghan majority tribe.

  9. Katie says:

    Want to feel good? Forget about drugs, booze or sex. Ok keep sex in mind (and hand). All you have to do is:

    Burn a Koran Online.

    Burn one, burn one thousand, burn one million. No ashes, no residue, no mess. Anger every Muslim in the world and Burn a Koran Online.

  10. KG says:

    Francis’ little story highlights what I’ve believed all my life. That deep inside us all there’s a sense of what justice is. And that, finally, justice is all that matters.
    There are no “higher considerations”. None.

  11. Kris K says:

    A great read Mr Porretto, and is there any other way to deal with the Islamist enemy at our gate:

    “This is the man who murdered two Americans over a couple of charred books …”

    Among Islam’s teachings,” Sumner said, “is that for a Muslim to experience contact with a pig’s flesh or the products thereof, if he is not immediately and most elaborately purified, dooms him to Hell. Agent McCloskey, would you do the honors, please?”

    I have often advocated that were such methods employed [eg pork ‘contaminated’ ammunition] and made known to our Islamist enemy that we would see a huge reduction in Islamist terror across the globe.

    As a Christian who worships a God of love and compassion, I am not so naive as are some to ignore the fact that He is ALSO a God of JUSTICE and judgement. When ‘Christians’ emphasise His love while ignoring His justice they prove themselves unworthy, IMHO, to proclaim themselves Christian.

    And woe unto them who proclaim themselves God’s enemy; those who are the enemy of both the Christian and the Jew …