‘Mark Steyn: Miss Fluke goes to Washington

When even casual sex requires a state welfare program, you’re pretty much done for.’      Steyn at his best.

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28 Responses to ‘Mark Steyn: Miss Fluke goes to Washington

  1. Jay says:

    So it cost her $1000 a year for contraception? You would expect her to be pretty hot at that price, but she doesn’t even look bangable :grin: . Just get her sterilized. She and the country will be better off for it!

    • St Hubbins says:

      What’s the bet she’s a lesbian anyway. She sure looks like a man-hater to me.

      • Ronbo says:

        I understand The Fluke Slut is the “male” part of a lesbian relationship.

        BTW, I have a new policy in effect for my blog – hereafter all Leftist women will be called “slut” “cunt” and “whore” based on the Leftist contempt for Rightist and Christian women like Sarah Palin, who are frequently denounced in the Leftard Media in such obscene terms.

        It’s “The Chicago Way” so beloved by Obama.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Your blog your rules, Ronbo, but we’re better than the Left. We should hold ourselves to higher standards. Is that epithet appropriate for (for example) Soledad O’Brien? Absolutely, but more appropriate and effective to call her a fucking moron than anything else.

          We don’t need to destroy them with name-calling. We have those most inconvenient weapons of facts and truth.

          Oh, except for Pelosi Galore, of course. Now, that fucking cunt…

  2. Lucia Maria says:

    Catholic universities need a morality code.

    This is just embarrassing. :oops:

    • Katie says:

      They have one. It is called the 10 Commandments.

    • Andrei says:

      She is there as a fifth columnist Lucyna. It’s a disease of the left they have to insert themselves into places which hold different values from them and then force them to change those values to accommodate theirs.

      • KG says:

        It’s the Gramscian “march through the institutions”.
        A very deliberate, very effective tactic.

  3. KG says:

    The thing that truly offends me is the way a 30 year-old hardcore activist has been made out by the Democrats and the media to be some kind of innocent, and a victim.
    The whole thing is a put-up job and the right fell for it.
    A good distraction from the fake unemployment figures and the record debt for a single month.

    • Darin says:

      Yep,and the biggest of all $5/gallon Gas.The latest polls have even Santorum beating Obama and Romney is at 48-43

    • Ronbo says:

      The good news is that the Leftist Piggy Oinkers have jumped the shark this time – the goal was to change the issue this election year and it ain’t gonna work – IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID LEFTARDS!!!

      …and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t change the reality that upwards of 20% of Americans are unemployed – the greatest number percentage wise since The Great Depression of 1929 to 1941.

      The most recent polls say that ANY Republican can beat Obama in November…and this is only MARCH!

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Like Steve Green said on PJTV the other day … “It’s the DEBT BOMB, STUPiD!”

  4. Darin says:

    Okay 30,professional student,head of a GLBT activism group and needing $1,000/year in contraceptives plus a former Obama admin official is her handler,but the dems claim it’s not a manufactured controversy :roll:


  5. Andrei says:

    Somebody should tell her to get fluked

  6. The Gantt Guy says:


    (a) this is NOT about birth control. It is about the government forcing a private entity to enter into a contract with another private entity.
    (b) this is NOT about birth control. It is about trampling all over the First Amendment.
    (c) this is NOT about birth control. The scuttlebutt is that Ms Fluke’s choice of sexual partners are genetically incapable of impregnating her. If you catch my meaning.

    Incidentally, these were not even formal hearings. Pelosi Galore borrowed the damn room and staged the whole thing.

    • Darin says:

      If Fluke had actually been sworn in to actual congressional hearings she could have been brought up on charges for lying to congress.

      So now that dingbat Gloria Allred says Rush should be prosecuted in Florida for the Slut remark based on some obscure law having to do with making defamatory remarks about a woman’s chastity as if the term Chastity is even in Sandra Fluke’s vocabulary.One thing is for sure,she had better hope she doesn’t end up deported like Mrs Allred’s last “client” :roll:

      • Ronbo says:

        Methinks dearest Gloria has jumped the shark on calling for the arrest of Rush Limbaugh for disrespect of a women – if, indeed, The Fluck Slut is really female under the new federal guidelines for sex – because, if successful, the Rightists will simply call for the arrest of all Leftists in Florida who have called Sarah Palin a “Cunt.” :mrgreen:

  7. mara says:

    Right wingers are being played and they are falling for it again. That bastard Barry must be having a right old chuckle knowing that media induced outrage over some slut’s bullshit talk about frenchies is once again pushing the important issues off the front pages. It’s depressing that this little trick works so well, time and time again.

    • KG says:

      It works so well in part because the media decides what is and is not news, Mara. But the right haven’t yet learned to simply ignore the hysterical squeals, because they refuse to accept that the left cannot be reasoned with.
      You’re right–it’s depressing.

  8. WAKE UP says:

    If she’s lesbian, why does she need $3000 worth of condoms annually?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Condoms ain’t the only contraception, Wakey. Apparently her “testimony” wasn’t even about a welfare program to fund a desire to get laid 17 times a day. Apparently she went straight for the few cases of those poor women who have illnesses such as cysts and for whom birth control pills are prescribed not for birth control but for symptom control (and for which the university makes an exception anyway).

      And condoms, IUDs, pills, potions or aspirin ain’t the point. Pelosi Galore staged a circus, with this … Person … as the leading sideshow attraction.

      • WAKE UP says:

        I mentioned condoms specifically because I seem to remember that the first report of this li’l affair that I saw did exactly that.
        As for the protective/preventative/cyst bullshit, I’ll bet you she doesn’t produce a single veriable witness who’s actually in that situation. Give her enough time, she’ll tell enough lies to meet herself coming back the other way. :popcorn

        • Darin says:

          With the left it isn’t the nature of the evidence,but the seriousness of the charge that matters.With them truth is of no consequence.

  9. KG says:

    “With them truth is of no consequence.”
    Absolutely! Truth is, in fact, an impediment to their aims.