CBS/NYT Poll: Obama’s approval rating sinks to new low

but I find this interesting:
‘This poll was conducted by telephone from March 7-11, 2012 among 1009 adults nationwide.
878 interviews were conducted with registered voters, including 301 with voters who said they plan to vote in a Republican primary.’
Odd methodology? Fudging the numbers? Leaves me wondering what the real approval rating is.

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8 Responses to CBS/NYT Poll: Obama’s approval rating sinks to new low

  1. James Stephenson says:

    Don’t get it KG. US voters are registered as Rep, Dem and Independent, so about a third of interviewees per bloc would be about right, no?

  2. KG says:

    On the face of it, yes. But…”including 301 with voters who said they plan to vote in a Republican primary.” is not the same thing as registered Republican voters.

  3. Darin says:

    It would be hard to gain anything really useful from that poll.Depending on the state the voter lives in it could be an open or closed primary state.Mississippi is a closed primary so if your registered Republican you must vote Republican in the primary election,same goes for Democrats.In the general election you can then vote for whomever you please.

  4. KG says:

    Which makes me think it was taken and trumpeted in order to disguise the real level of disgust with Obama.

    • Darin says:

      Most definitely trying to blunt the real numbers.It has gotten bad for Obama here,more and more blacks are turning against him and the older”great society” generation is turning away too.They may not show up and vote Republican,but they will stay home which is almost as good.One thing is for sure,this is the Republicans election to lose.The scary part is they are perfectly capable of doing just that.

  5. Katie says:

    A better poll is the fact that Obama is having trouble raising money. His goal this last quarter was $250 million. He only raised $40 million. His normal contributors have gone to the GOP, Wall Street is turning on him and most Americans don’t have the extra funds to give either. Thus the $3 raffle and the Super Pac. But it will not be enough.

  6. Ronbo says:

    I’m wondering if public opinion running against Obama matters at this point, as he is the dictator of the USA ruling by means of unelected “Czars” and the federal bureaucracy. The American Congress has become about as useful as the Roman Senate under the Caesars. The “Law” is dominated by the DOJ under the control of Obama lackey Holder.

    In regards to the November election – As Stalin noted, “It’s not important how the voters vote, but who counts the votes.”

    • KG says:

      I think you’re right, Ronbo. Obama has grabbed the levers of power and those levers will remain regardless of the result in November.