Good riddance to a disgusting piece of sh*t:

BOB Brown has resigned as Leader of the Australian Greens Parliamentary Party. He will also resign from the Senate.’
Australian political life is a little cleaner for the bastard’s going.

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20 Responses to Good riddance to a disgusting piece of sh*t:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Question is, what (or who) did he get caught doing? He didn’t telegraph this at all at the watermelons global conference last week, so I wonder when the charges will be laid?

    :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Second thoughts, this leaves Christine Milne and Kee RhiannonBrownStalin in charge of the watermelons. Bye bye watermelons!

    :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

    :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop :whoop

  3. KG says:

    That was my first thought too, Gantt. But I’m also wondering if he isn’t getting out to distance himself from the slaughter of the Greens in the upcoming Federal elections?

  4. KG says:

    Or perhaps the creep has been offered a U.N. post? He’s one of their most effective slimy traitorous agents in Australia, after all….

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    Yeah you might be right. He could then claim “When I left the Greens were the clear number 3 party, and looking to push for number 2. Now they’ve got as many members as Qld Labor”

  6. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    What better confirmation could you wish for the forthcoming slaughter of Labour. It was Labour which gave Brown so much power. Forget about the greens – they’re just the sideshow.

    Brown knows his days in Canberra are over. Simple as that. :lol:

    Now you just watch how quick Labour rolls Gillard and winds back HER carbon tax. Yep, it will be ALL Gillard’s. Betcha! They’ve got no option if they want to have any hope at all of competing. They’ll obliterate the carbon ta from history and it will seem it never happened.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Jeez, there really are some NZ-style polititards in Sydney, aren’t there? Or maybe they like Bob because they don’t have to live in Tasmania?

      • KG says:

        :lol: Yeah–I just posted a reply to “Susan of Sydney” asking if she got the connection between Brown’s wonderful conservation efforts in Tassie and the huge unemployment in that state.
        I’m not expecting a reply. No doubt Susan is a bored ‘doctor’s wife’ who’s taken up environmentalism to fill her empty days. There’s a lot of ’em around.

  7. KG says:

    Together with the State election results, Maybe this is the beginning of the Aussie Spring?

  8. mara says:

    Yeah KG, except that the other “springs” are actually “autumns.”

  9. octagongrappler says:

    1. Caught doing something in a bog?
    2.Bailing a sinking ship?
    3.Job at the U.N with Helen?

  10. octagongrappler says:

    This guy advocated for a world parliament with one man one vote???CHINA??

  11. KG says:

    He’s an effing lunatic, Grappler and I can only hope the mad prick will at least have grace to sink into a well-earned obscurity.
    Of course, he has sucked and will continue to suck on the taxpayer’s tit, but he’ll do less harm (and cost us less) doing that than he has as a politician.

  12. mort says:

    you simply don’t bail like that unless some very nasty skeleton is making its way out a cupboard in the very near future. A visit to Paedoland will do it, and I wouldn’t in the least be surprised

  13. Cadwallader says:

    I only wish the NZ chief watermelon was as obviously creepy as this weirdo. I suspect there is mud to be thrown somewhere in the Oz Greens.

    The NZ watermelons’ leader is presently seductive enough to be seen as a moderate by NZ Federated Farmers and other allegedly independent business parties. This makes him far more of a danger than a patent lunatic like the retiring Oz watermelon leader.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      It’s also why they’re hiding his lunatic sidekick. She’s Mr Hyde to his Dr Jekyll. But that said, he’s by far the more dangerous for his Macchiavellian moderateness.