Francis Porretto:

‘..We’ve come a long way downhill since those critical decades. Today, the suggestion that there should be any topics, any areas of enterprise, or any venues of human interaction deemed off limits to the State is considered “controversial.” Property is now considered conditional. A man’s body is a thing to be regulated and “protected” by political force. Even freedom of speech is widely regarded as a charming vestige of a primitive time: something our forebears could tolerate, but which our “more complex era” cannot afford. In all things, the needs of the State come first — and woe to him who thinks to stand in its way.
We stand upon the threshold of a complete rejection of the concept of individual freedom…’       (bold mine)
Liberty’s Torch: Tension And Habitat Part 3

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4 Responses to Francis Porretto:

  1. KG says:

    “We stand upon the threshold of a complete rejection of the concept of individual freedom” is now, I think, unarguable.
    In fact, I’d go further and say that individual freedom -like privacy- is already a thing of the past.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I agree KG. It has been immeasurably sad and frustrating to observe the West’s greedy and willful “ignorance” in incrementally allowing the transfer of power, particularly in the last 20 or so years. I don’t expect a turnaround in my lifetime. :evil:

  3. mara says:

    Anon. was moi.