“it’s what they do”

White couple attacked by up to 100 black youths…
‘Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.’
But it’s not a hate crime. Nossir. According to a police officer, ” it’s what they do”.

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7 Responses to “it’s what they do”

  1. cowards all of them-100 vs 2-
    it’s coming – and you know what IT is!

  2. KG says:

    We sure do know, Carol. What a damn tragedy.

  3. Katie says:

    One of the best reasons to pack and pack with heavy artillery. Start a beating and get a couple of rounds in return.

    :gunner :rant :gunner

  4. kowtow says:

    Hidden stories,serious crime,social breakdown and denial of race (when blacks are among the culprits)
    Anyone remember the media storm over that hurricane that President Bush created and directed at New Orleans? Yeah Katrina, the media blow was harder than the storm itself,all but forgotten now. Evil agents of the oppressive state shooting black folk on bridges etc.
    That was so long ago and now the media have some other guy to fixate on and show up all the ills in the US and A,the white Hispanic who shot the black baby Obama.

    Any way ,lo and behold,why no major ,indignant international media storm about those shootings in New Orleans now that it’s gone to court? Could it be that a couple of the shooters were themselves black? And as such there is no story,move along ,nothing to see here!

  5. Rufus says:

    Just been reading this same story on Vox Popoli – American based commentators there say there are a lot of similar incidents like this occurring. Couple were lucky to get out alive.

    At least my SA friends are smart enough to never, ever get out of the car. Floor it, and watch them get out of your way. The rest washes off in the car wash…

    • KG says:

      Yep. :lol:

      • Darin says:

        American black teenagers have an annoying habit of walking in groups right dwon the middle of the street taking their time with no particular place to go blocking the damn thing.

        I see people slow down and come to a stop and have to honk the horn to get them to move.Well doing that allows their stupid behavior to continue and says I need to subjugate myself to their bone idle lazy ways.Stupid is as Stupid does.

        I have none of it,my SOP is blow the horn once athen wide open throttle followed by a loud GTF out of the road! as I pass by.