‘Race Related Hate Crimes Up, Coincide with Obama Presidency..’

Says the headline. So you’d assume it was about the rapidly increasing number of black mob attacks on whites, right?
But no, this is the leftist ABC “reporting“. So the article is all about the rise of white militia groups! Unbelievable. Perhaps the ABC could point us to an example-just one –  where a group of whites have ganged up on a black couple and beaten them up?

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16 Responses to ‘Race Related Hate Crimes Up, Coincide with Obama Presidency..’

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    That’s because the black mob attacks on whites never happened, KG. in each case where some outlet has mistakenly reported mob violence, there has been some other explanation. For example, the “victims” we’re merely caught up in a spirited game of football. Or they started it by racially vilifying and intimidating the poor young black people. Or, and this is my particular favorite, the violence did happen, but there was no racial overlay involved at all. Nossir, no way no how.

    See, only white people (and white Hispanics,apparently) can be racist. If you want to see real racism, you oughtta check out a Tea Party rally!

  2. Andrei says:

    There have been more homegrown domestic terrorism attacks by right-wing groups than by international terrorists during his presidency as well, Potok noted.

    Have there been any right-wing terrorist attacks or anything that could be cast as such?

    Utter BS

    What the story does show though is the suicide of Western civilization as so called “minority” groups are out breeding white people.

    The ning nongs think this will lead to a wonderful age of aquarius world blissfully unaware of the fact the people who will predominate will not share their values nor promote them

  3. KG says:

    Well, NZ has it’s own homegrown variety of this dishonest horsecrap too…take a look at this utter garbage!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      In one sense, the Professor whose name is also his adjective, is correct. Take, for example, the opinion of so many New Sheeplanders that Islam is the “Religion of Peace”. A cursory reading of their terror manual / book of hate would open a few eyes, I’d warrant. Kiwis’ tolerance for the enemy in their midst, whether it be Moslems or radical segregationists, will be their downfall.

      And I’m still chuckling at the quote “no one ever knows who’s beavering away in their bedroom”. I thought these were the very people who claim that what consenting adults get up to in the privacy of their bedrooms is none of anybody else’s concern? Which is perfectly fine if you’re not the beaver (or the gerbil, for that matter) :popcorn

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Completely OT, but the terrorist organisation WWF is suggesting that only global poverty can save the planet!

    And their insane self-hating nonsense has been endorsed by the European Space Agency (which, as far as I know, has never launched anything into space).

    Will the UN please step in and drag the leaders of these groups into the International Criminal Court to be charged with Crimes Against Humanity?

    • WebWrat says:

      Did you read the whole thing GG? How did you do it?

      I gave up at about the half way mark!

    • Kris K says:

      Gantt, one doesn’t have to read very far between the lines to recognise the barely-below-the-surface greenist agenda to reduce the global population to below 500 million.

      Evil Marxist-Green scum will only be happy when 93% of humanity has been wiped out!!!

  5. KG says:

    What bloody hope is there, when Republicans consistently behave like this? They not only refuse to take the fight to the enemy, they’re in bed with him. *spit*

  6. “Perhaps the ABC could point us to an example-just one – where a group of whites have ganged up on a black couple and beaten them up?”…

    There are NO examples …of whites— gang attacking blacks-

    as to the wimpy Rs —-what can I say—the elites of the GOP has given us another Dem lite-


  7. Darin says:

    Any news organization quoting the Southern Poverty Law center lacks all credibility,but in ABC’s case I’m repeating the obvious.

    SPLC does nothing but provide legal support to homosexual pedophiles and those suffering from racist hallucination.

    Linked to and funded by the Tides Foundation in the overall Leftist web of lies,manipulation and death.

    Bookmark this site if you haven’t already,reading through it you will find links to leftist propaganda mills in your own respective countries.Make no mistake,these people are evil and dangerous.
