fiddling while Rome burns:

Women’s Issues Takes World Stage at G-8 Summit

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32 Responses to fiddling while Rome burns:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    This post has at its heart a very close link with your next one, KG. his Imperial Majesty cannot accept that his ideology leads only to misery, poverty and death so he must obfuscate and distract for just a little longer until his policies start working. In much the same way, indigenous “leaders” cannot accept the solution to their people’s not unsubstantial problems lies in their own hands, so they obfuscate and distract, generating faux outrage at non issues.

  2. Andrei says:

    “We had a brief discussion around the issue of women’s empowerment, where we agreed that both, when it comes to economic development and when it comes to peace and security issues, empowering women to have a seat at the table and get more engaged and more involved in these processes can be extraordinarily fruitful,”

    ROFLMAO – What is this Monty Python?

  3. Lucia Maria says:

    I wonder if female gendercide will be mentioned. I somehow doubt it.

    • Indeed Lucia Maria. Obama will bang on about a lack of women in the bordroom, or free contraception, but will say nothing about the clitoris cutters!

      • Lucia Maria says:

        FFM, I was actually talking about the increasing numbers of girls being aborted, leading to a severe imbalance of boys vs girls.

        It’s not really being tackled, because the “right” to abortion is something people like Obama believe in.

        But, yeah, that other thing too!

    • Katie says:

      Mentioned? Give these idiots a few years and it will become mandatory. Anything to appease the Muslims.

  4. Kris K says:

    I personally think the rot started to set in the minute women got the vote …

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Dude, you do know Mara is awake this time of day, don’t you?

      • Kris K says:

        Shucks, I forgot!

        Alright then, I’ll quote a FEMALE conservative to back up my claim:

        “It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 – except Goldwater in ’64 – the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted.”
        Ann Coulter

        Gets on his Moped and cycles/motors into the sunset …

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Seriously? You’re still quoting Coulter? As a Comservative? You do know she’s Huffingtoned herself, right? She supports Krispy Creme Christie and Romney in much the same way as Adolf “supports” John Key! She’s written several articles about how RomneyCare, with it’s Individual Mandate, is a “Conservative” program! How the hell can a program be Conservative when it forces an individual to enter into a contract with a government-approved provider, the terms of which contract are determined by the government?

          Ann Coulter has shown herself to be a Conservative in much the same way as is David Cameron or John Key.

          That said, she’s still a mighty fine author.


          • Kris K says:

            Agreed, Gantt – I was quoting the ‘old’ Ann Coulter. She also [now] seems happy to compromise with the sodomite fraternity.

        • Lucia Maria says:

          So what exactly is so great about Republicans and having an entrenched Republican Government for years on end? Can we imagine what that would be like in NZ if the Nats were in forever?

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            The current Nationak Party is the product of half a century of ratchet socialism, and a very, very weak opposition. The Labour Party is just as much to blame for John Key as is the National Party, and New Zealanders themselves.

            I know the GOP is in exactly the same position (I mean, Romney FFS) but at least the Tea Party Movement is slowly, gradually taking over the GOP. Where is NZ’s Tea Party Movement?

          • Kris K says:

            If they were both true to their founding principles I CAN imagine it, Lucia.

            Don’t tell me you’re a closet socialist/communist and you’d prefer the Democrats/Labour? Sheesh!

  5. Darin says:

    Barrack Obama was out jogging one morning along the parkway when he tripped, fell over the bridge railing and landed in the creek below. Before the Secret Service guys could get to him, 3 kids who were fishing pulled him out of the water. He was so grateful he offered the kids whatever they wanted. The first kid said, ‘I want to go to Disney World & Barrack said, ‘No problem, I’ll take you there on Air Force One.’ The second kid said, ‘I want a new pair of Nike Air Jordan shoes. Barrack said, ‘I’ll get them for you and even have Michael Jordan sign them.’ The third kid said, ‘ I want a motorized wheelchair with a built in TV and stereo headset.’ Barrack was a little perplexed by this and said, ‘But you don’t look like you’re handicapped. The kid said, ‘I will be after my dad finds out I saved you from drowning.’

  6. mara says:

    Kris K. I am of course enthusiastically offended by your comment on voting wimmin. I surely did not expect it of you. Now go and tell that to Frau Merkel’s face; that is if she is not too busy shopping with the G8 wives while the men do the serious stuff. Better still take the Gantt Guy with you…… in the way that shark phobic people always like to swim in a crowd. :razz:

    • The Gantt Guy says:


      • Darin says:

        I’m with Kris on this one,soon as we gave women the right to vote over here the first thing they did was pass Prohibition-I rest my case. :whoop

    • Kris K says:

      Of course any women who regularly comment [or read] at CR are automatically promoted to ‘honorary blokes’.

      I’m pretty sure KG handed out the certificates following your first comment … :mrgreen:

  7. oswald bastable says:

    I ain’t against women voting at all.

    I’m against anyone who is not a net taxpayer voting.

    Don’t like that rule?- get a job!

  8. mara says:

    Kris K, I am now so heroically OFFENDED on behalf of all womanhood and by KG’s collusion with your monstrous suggestion, that I’m taking teddy to bed with me for a little cry. See what you have done? Men are BEASTS of the field. Sniff, sniff ….sob.

  9. KG says:

    I thought you’d be more the “sharpen the pitchfork and pour a double G&T” kind of gal, Mara.

  10. I suppose talking about real issues or actually doing something positive about them is too much for barry. His brain starts to overheat when complex thinking is required. His forte is mainly gaseous platitudes about moving this way and that, calling for more taxing and blaming everyone else other than his own dumbass.

  11. WAKE UP says:

    “Women’s issues” are NOT a major issue of the election (or of anything else much, for that matter, except Islam) — it’s just the Democrats SAYING they are.