Open house

Trying to tame a wild cat here. This could be a long process….and tonight we’re going to sit down with a few cold beers and watch the State of Origin game.

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35 Responses to Open house

  1. Elijah says:

    What do you call a bunch of lawyers and ex-student without a day’s work in between them. The Australian Labor Party.

    -In today’s mX newspaper.

    • KG says:

      It’s too true..and I saw every person but one on Juliar’s “Fair Work Australia” panel is an ex-unionist! Some arbiters of what’s fair, eh?

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    “tame a wild cat”?

    *That’s* what you call date night? Does Gecko know?

  3. jonno1 says:

    Two tall trees, a birch and a beech, are growing in the woods. A small tree begins to grow between them, and the beech says to the birch, ‘Is that a son of a beech or a son of a birch?’ The birch says he can’t tell, but just then a woodpecker lands on the sapling.

    The birch says, ‘Woodpecker, you are a tree expert. Can you tell if that is a son of a beech or a son of a birch?’

    The woodpecker takes a taste of the small tree and replies, ‘It is neither a son of a beech nor a son of a birch. It is, however, the best piece of ash I have ever poked my pecker into.

  4. jonno1 says:

    We’re popping over to Port Douglas soon for a week’s R&R. Any suggestions for entertainment?

  5. rivoniaboy says:

    This whole DotCom episode really rankles. The State is supposed to protect its citizens.
    First you get the Keystone cops launching what can only be construed as some paramilitary assault on this guy and his family on the recommendation of a foreign government.Then they freeze all your assets, throw you in jail and then proceed to access whatever information they deem fit, while they dream up charges that they think will stick.
    What a bunch of fucking cowards the Nats are – not a peep in the hopes that the US will reward them with a free trade agreement.Look at their entire Cabinet and all you see are pathetic little lily – livered men.
    Another freedom lost they disgust me. I will never vote for the Nats again ever.
    I hope that he sues the all the bastards involved until they squeal like the pigs that they are.
    We then wonder why record numbers of Kiwis are voting with their feet.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Mighty well said, rivoniaboy. Most of the Nat front bench are “little” people, no different from the officious wankers who spend their days carrying council clipboards and making people’s lives miserable.

  6. KG says:

    Amen! to that. Disgusting bastards, screwing over the taxpayer on the taxpayer’s tab. :evil:

  7. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    OOOOMMMMGGGGG!!!!! Yours truly begs the bog administraitor and our friends in our 56th and 57th steaks to keep the frying pan on the subject. My former fellow student @ law school who Yrs trly understands gave up his law license not to mention Diplomatic Pouches also giving up her law license makes one wonder how they can fundamentally change the United Steaks of America with endless laws and gummit regulations? Oops! got a call! TaTa. yrs Trly, HarvardPotatoHead

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      HARVARD!! Great to see you! We were worried you’d somehow been NDAA’d for your Occupy crimes!

  8. KG says:

    Harvard!! :whoop :whoop Welcome back. :lol:

    • Kris K says:

      Indeed! We’ve missed you. Say hello to Southern for us all ;)

      • HarvardPotatoHead says:

        !!!!OOOMMMGGG!!!! Will the bog administraitor admonish those welcoming me back to use my complete name?? Yrs Trly has much to comment on in the realm of politics and war so OOPS got a beep. Later. TaTa HarvardPotatoHead!!OOMMGG!!

  9. KG says:

    Nice for Kiwis to know their taxes are being put to good use.. :evil:
    ‘Barred ‘refugee’ still gets legal aid’

  10. St Hubbins says:

    I was thinking recently about how much I despise political correctness and especially the way it poisons and changes our language.

    One word that you hear all the time now, that you hardly ever used to hear, is this word:


    This word is often used where we instead used the word:


    For example, if admonishing a child for poor behaviour, you would normally explain to them why what they did was ‘wrong’, and what they should have done instead.

    Nowadays, many people would instead tell the child that their behaviour was ‘inappropriate’.

    So what is the significance of this?

    I think it is another example of how the PC bastards have taken over our language – in this context, that the Christian concept of the Golden Rule; of Right and Wrong; of moral absolutes that everyone can agree upon, have been replaced with moral relativism. Everything is contextual and relative, there is no absolute “right” or “wrong”.

    I think this attitude hurts children especially, because they need, even crave, boundaries, absolutes, rules etc.

    Sorry for waffling on. Hope my point came across in some way or another.


    • KG says:

      Exactly right, St Hubbins! I can’t tell you how much I detest that word “inappropriate”….it’s the shield cowards hide behind because it’s vague enough for them to project their own dislikes without having to take a position on purely technical, moral or legal grounds.
      Any bastard who uses it out to be tarred and feathered, minimum. :evil:

      • oswald bastable says:

        Bastinado for a first offense. Keel-hauling for the second!

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        “wrong” is an absolute. It is am objective. “Inappropriate” changes depending n the person wielding it; it is inherently situational, inherently subjective and inherently impossible to define.

        • Kris K says:

          I’ve heard from reliable sources in the teaching/pre-school environment that the terms “right” and [especially] “wrong” have been effectively banned.

          Agree with others’ comments regarding moral relativism, etc.

          • Moist von Lipwig says:

            Inappropriate is right up there with “sustainable” and “livability”.
            Meaningless, vague, cop-out words that give the PC brigade a hard-on.
            Had a medical checkup the other day and one of the questions was. “Are you smoke free?”
            I did feel sorry for the nurse, as she was only following her script, but there was no way I was going to answer such a patently stupid question. :evil:

            • St Hubbins says:

              Thanks for the feedback – glad to see I’m not alone in my frustration.

              On further reflection, I think you could even say that it reflects a movement away from a belief in God.

              If you believe in God, you will understand the concept of right and wrong.

              If you believe that Man, not God, is Almighty, then it is up to each individual to decide what is right, therefore it is different to each individual.

              Don’t even get me started on people who talk about something being “Your Truth” or “My Truth”. I was flabbergasted the first time someone used this phrase in conversation with me. Objective reality didn’t exist to them.

              Our relationship ended not long after – looking back, I think the PC stuff was a big reason for me.

              • Darin says:

                Hubbins,I think your right,but I also think it goes farther than that.I think it goes all the way to a Narcissistic leftist elite who see themselves as god.
                They in their own minds are always right regardless of how wrong they are in reality.
                We see it in the Climate change debate,we see it in leftists governments the world over.The EU and the Obama regime come to mind.

                • Kris K says:

                  Dead right St Hubbins and Darin.
                  It’s no suprise that once God is removed from the equation there no longer exists objective truth. Or, for that matter, that the amoral Left are almost without exception dyed in the wool atheists – the ultimate worshippers of self.

                  Rejection of God leads to self deification:
                  Gen 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

  11. Darin says:

    Penn Jillette’s rant on drugs and Obama-

  12. Moist von Lipwig says:

    If my bumper is damaged—I’m REALLY gonna be ANGRY. :mrgreen: