Congress to consider plans for U.N. to control the internet


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13 Responses to Congress to consider plans for U.N. to control the internet

  1. Kris K says:

    Yep, the Marxist one worlders, corrupt and dictatorial regimes, and Mohammed’s death-cultists must be rubbing their hands in glee in anticipation of silencing their critics. Especially the conservative online media and blogosphere.

  2. KG says:

    Should it come to pass, my computer goes into the junk.

  3. mawm says:

    At least Congress is getting to debate it. Key will probably send someone off to New York to secretely sign it. Sharples, Turia? :popcorn

  4. KG says:

    Key and English claim minerals exploration will “fast track” nz’s future. Yet today, we see this:
    Greenpeace says success in a High Court judicial review of the Government’s decision to allow deep-sea oil drilling off the East Cape by Brazilian giants Petrobras could halt all deep-sea explorations in New Zealand.
    …..The joint legal action includes an affadavit from iwi leader Rikirangi Gage alleging the Government failed to consult the iwi or consider issues such as customary fishing rights.

    • Andrei says:

      The joint legal action includes an affadavit from iwi leader Rikirangi Gage alleging the Government failed to consult the iwi

      They didn’t consult me either – if they had I’d have said “drill baby drill

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      They failed to consult IWI over DEEP SEA exploration? What, they think because they were given all the fishing quota and all the coastline they control all the way out to the 200 mile limit?

      Oh, clearly they do.

      I propose Greenpeace be proscribed under anti-terrorism legislation.

  5. KG says:

    I see a country determined to go down the track of genteel poverty, all the while claiming the “moral high ground”.

  6. mara says:

    Ain’t democracy grand? :sad:

  7. Cadwallader says:

    The UN can try all it wants, but there comes a point, call it critical mass, where the people can’t be silenced and/or repressed.
    I have always understood that it was the arrival of the VCR and its smuggled messages which finally ended the totalitarianism of the old Soviet bloc more efficiently than reasoned debate could have ever done so. The insurmountable difficulty which faces all totalitarian regimes is the inevitable yearning for freedom which finally manifests itself. It may take time but something deep within the human pysche eventually erupts.
    At that point (bring it on) the movement of people destroys repression. How this will work in the Islamic bloc will undoubtedly require blood on the streets, but I am confident it will happen.