Lefties need to believe. In something. Anything.

Global Warming Skeptics Test Well, Study Finds
‘..A study published Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change finds that people who are not that worried about the effects of global warming tend to have a slightly higher level of scientific knowledge than those who are worried..’
Buried in the news item is this revealing nugget:
‘.”As respondents’ science literacy scores increased, their concern with climate change decreased,” the paper, which was funded by the National Science Foundation, notes.
And this:
‘Regardless of how much they know about science, individualists were relatively unconcerned about global warming, whereas those who value equality were very concerned…’
That word again….”equality”.

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9 Responses to Lefties need to believe. In something. Anything.

  1. octagongrappler says:

    Here is my top 5 list to save the planet from global warming!!

    1. Free University tuition for women and minorities
    2. Ban free speech on the Internet
    3. Make all drugs legal
    4. Bigger family payments for solo mothers on welfare.
    5. Increase immigration from the 3rd world to increase diversity.

    Anyone is welcome to challenge or add to the list, But i believe this will save the Planet and the trees,whales and ozone.. :mrgreen:

  2. KG says:

    Bound to. But what about the LBGT community? They play a vital part in this. :popcorn

    • octagongrappler says:

      Yes they do:) i forgot :mrgreen: .


      6. Allow same sex couples to adopt children?This would reduce carbon :mrgreen:

      • Sure would reduce carbon, it’d cut tons of hot air coming from liberals – until the next “right” to campaign for came along of course.

  3. It seems to me that “global warming” was a valid concern up until 1998, but since then warming stopped, the credibility of the scientists at the heart of the issue has been effectively destroyed and the doomsday predictions have been shown to be overly hyped.

    Therefore anyone with two brain cells to rub together, who has an open mind, and has read more than just the MSM headlines, has figured out it’s not a big threat.

  4. nominto says:

    Penn & Teller summed up the stupidity in their series .
    the clincher for me were the clowns signing up to ban”di-hydrogen monoxide” ..
    hippy, degenerative, sheep.