‘Texas father beats to death man who tried molesting his 4-year-old daughter on family’s ranch, authorities say
Lavaca County Sheriff Micah Harmon said the father, whose name has not been released, is unlikely to be arrested for Saturday’s killing and that no evidence so far has led investigators to doubt his story…’
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I’d like to see them find a jury that would convict the man. Heck they should give him a medal since pedophiles don’t just have one victim. Some have victims numbering in the hundreds.
Well, there’s nothing to back up the father’s story, so far and the case is going to a grand jury. It’ll be interesting.
Good news in Indiana-
That should help keep the Nazi wannabes in check.I’ll bet there is a sharp decline in Police no-knock raids.
Link won’t load, Darin. It appeared on Drudge and won’t load from there either. I suspect a huge traffic spike.
It is to be hoped that the little girl involved will not receive “professional” counselling. Fat chance though.
I hope so too, anon. Although the community around there seems to be pretty commonsensical. (it’s a word if i use it as a word, ok? )
KG was it commonsensical to render me anonymous as well? mara
It’s the first step in the process, mara. Dehumanise and depersonalize. Then, you’ll be nowt but KG’s plaything.
I have been the victim of random anonymity myself,seems WordPress cuts a fart now and again and resets everybody’s cookies right into the dumper.Oh well,what ya gonna do? :popcorn
I’m reliably informed that filling in the email fields helps prevent anonymity. *sniff*
On second thoughts, leave the fields blank, Mara.
The Gantt Guy. Wash your keyboard out you dirty boy. I’LL give you plaything!
Mistress Mara, ’twas you who dived head first into the gutter, not I. I was thinking of more a cat & mouse type plaything, not (as you were) a Deliverance type plaything.
Now, squeal like a piggie…
The Gantt Guy. Kindly refer to my CORRECT net name. See above. Having been recently hauled over the coals for just such an insalubrity myself, and having had to apologise …….. hmmm?
KG and Octagongrappler, stop snickering immediately.
No need to apologise, Mistress Mara. You gotta be free to be you, y’know? And if the first place you head is to the gutter, well that’s just fine. We understand.
Who would dream of doing such a thing?
The Gantt guy. I just got it with the “Mistress Mara” crack. You like B&D. And why not. Ya gotta be free to be you. y’know? I’ll drink to that. :cheers
:whoop a bit of “slap & tickle” from Mistress Mara.
The sutures come out in 10 days.