Hey, anything but black racism, ok?

‘..The Un-Fair Campaign addresses what it calls ‘white privilege’ with billboards, posters and online videos assigning guilt to people with taglines like, “Is white skin really fair skin?” and “I am a white man. That’s unfair.” The ads are plastered across a city where 90 percent of the population is Caucasian…’
UPDATE: ‘Ol Remus of the great Woodpile Report has a guest post up over at Francis Porretto’s ‘Liberty’s Torch’ on this. He nails it, as usual.

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19 Responses to Hey, anything but black racism, ok?

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    It’s friggin’ easy to see here in NZ!

    Unless you are brown or a liberal… :censor

    • KG says:

      NZ is where it first really struck me, Oswald. The worst I’ve seen anywhere so far.

      • Darin says:

        They need to be countered with signs that read-

        “Your just as Black as you were yesterday,now get with the program”

  2. KG says:

    Or: “Imagine everything you owe to whitey removed from your life…now, say thank you!”

    • Darin says:

      Yep,no credit is given to whitey.Without us they would be naked,barefoot and dead by age 30.Hell a good number of Blacks here have managed the dead by 30 part even with everything handed to them.

  3. caleb says:

    and it sure didnt fall into whiteys lap either.

    how we turn our backs on history, just shows why our societies are becoming such a mess…

  4. GW says:

    This is all part of the “color blind racism” canard being pushed by left in the absence of appreciable racism still extant in society. The theory can best be demonstrated with Obama. The fact that I detest the man as grossly incompetent and intellectually dishonest is meaningless. The fact that I detest him while being white and that he is black is ipso facto proof of racism. Having practiced employment law for a number of years, I saw this same scenario play out on countless occasions, whether with incompetent blacks and white supervisors or vica versa.

    I read a very fascinating piece by a conservative black female sociologist discussing this phenomena the other day – and unfortunately can’t find the link. Her point was that a sizable and ever increasing portion of the white population in the U.S. is fed up with this, and that this could very easily slip into a mini-race war. I think she is right on all counts.

    • KG says:

      I think she is too, GW. There’s a mood now that if we’re to be described and denigrated as “racist” simply on the basis of our skin colour, then we may just as well give up on trying to demonstrate that we’re willing to meet any person of goodwill halfway, regardless of race. Why make the effort?
      Expect the worst from someone, insist that they’re flawed even when they’re not, and they’ll pretty soon demonstrate that they can conform to the stereotype, since there’s no payoff for not doing so.

    • Ronbo says:


      …and not only the whites – the Asians are tired of the black racist crap as well!

      I live in Seattle and rent an apartment in China Town – my Asian neighbors say they detest American blacks as rude, worthless and drug addicted parasites/thieves who target their small businesses.

      BTW, I’m coming to love immigrants from China, Vietnam and Korea because they take mucho racist crap (mostly from the blacks) with a smile. I guess they know the Golden Rule in the USA – He who has the GOLD rules.

  5. kowtow says:

    The ad campaign is itself racist. Why do white folk put up with being put down so readily?

    • KG says:

      Conditioning, kowtow–the end result of a remorseless campaign.

      • Darin says:

        White guilt,it was enough to get Obama the WH.Consevatives for the most part don’t suffer from it,but Liberals and Pseudo Liberals are carriers.

    • Ronbo says:

      WE DON’T!

      Most American whites have nothing but CONTEMPT for this racist crap!

      It is all very well for these Pinko colleges to pull their little anti-white racist stunts like this, but just let a black try to pull this nonsense up close and personal.

      This is especially true of the younger whites – who know the black man and we have nothing for him, or against him as a race. White racism is a dead as the KKK.

      That is until a black racist pig gets in our face – then he gets knocked on his ass!

      BTW, ever increasing number of whites are “locked and cocked” with concealed weapons. The Second Amendment, you know…Must be a patriot.

      • Darin says:

        If race and for that matter gender truly aren’t supposed to be a factor then why on every form and application is there a box to check for race?

        I can see it for a drivers license or medical records,but everything thing else,no.

        The only reason it’s still there is affirmative action so the powers that be can give out handouts and preferences to garner votes.

        Since 1990 I have refused steadfastly to note my race on a job application.When challenged on it I cite concern that I may be discriminated against because of my race or ethnicity.You should see some of the looks I get,especially if the pencil pusher is black :lol:

  6. Flashman says:

    Dr Frank Ellis has a 24 carat piece on the same theme over at Sarah Maid of Albion.

  7. KG says:

    Thanks Flash. I’ll go take a look.

  8. KG says:

    :shock: OH, YESS! That’s it. Nailed perfectly. Maybe the best essay on the subject I’ve read. Many thanks, Flashman.