The latest Woodpile Report is up

and Ol’ Remus gives SCOTUS a devastating broadside:
‘..The Obamacare decision has revealed the Supreme Court for the fraud it is. They bound and gagged the Constitution long ago, embezzled its authority and now speak for it rather than from it. It’s a Medieval priesthood overawing the citizenry with imagined infallibility, but at ground level these cocktail-circuit Big Thinkers enable and shield DC’s most conspicuous assaults on the rightful liberty of the people…’
And that ain’t the half of it…

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12 Responses to The latest Woodpile Report is up

  1. jonno1 says:

    The military-surplus story reminded me of my late father-in-law who was an armourer during (and after) WW2. A few years after the war his CO instructed him to “dispose” of boxes of date-expired .303 ammunition from the armoury. The method of disposal was not indicated.

    So he and my brother-in-law (about 10 or 12 at the time) duly emptied the armoury of its stock and ferried it (by bicycle!) to the local rifle club of which they were members (yes, even the lad). Apparently it took many hours, and rumour has it that it was decades before the club or its members had to purchase any more ammo.

    Location concealed to protect the guilty – let’s just say it was a British territory located in the middle of the Atlantic.

  2. when the original intent of the Constitution is circumvented- tyranny always follows-

    BTW- the Supreme Court was to be the least powerful of the thee branches =- that is why John Jay -First Chief Justice – left and became a Congressman instead-
    Grrrrrr on us in the US for being asleep for 100 + years!

    • Ronbo says:


      Actually in American history when tyranny raises its ugly head, We The People chop it off with a terrible swift sword.

      This is a country born in revolution and civil war – the most important lesson of American history is that every hundred years or so the tree of liberty gets its quota of blood.

      As General Petraeus said about the Iraq War, “Soldiers: The time has come to embrace the suck.”

  3. oswald bastable says:

    KG- emailed you.

  4. KG says:

    Just got home and read it, thanks Oswald. Will reply shortly.

  5. MikeH. says:

    I find it ironic, in a way, that SCOTUS has passed this socialistic flatulence on America mere days before we celebrate the anniversary of our independence from a tyrannical ruler.

    • Ronbo says:


      I’m not surprised.

      We in America seem to hitting all the speed bumps on the road to revolution and civil war.

      No doubt future historians will marvel the ignorance of American ruling class concerning the revolution brewing in their tea pots that will blow away their safe little socialist world and kill them by the scores in some very unpleasant ways.

      Kinda puts you mind of the French aristocrats in 1789…

      “DEATH TO THE ARISTOCRATS!” :twisted:

  6. Ronbo says:

    I think the recent Supreme Court decision in favor of Obamacare (I thought the Supremes would legalize it, but I believed Kennedy would cast the critical fifth vote) will be the straw that broke the camel’s back of American patience with an oppressive government, and future historians will put this decision of the same level of infamy as the Dred Scott case where Justice Taney and his majority of Supremes attempted to legalize slavery.

    Speaking of Justice Taney, at one point during CW I, Linclon became so outraged at Chief Justice’s obstruction of his conduct of the war that he ordered his arrest for treason (Taney would have been tried by a military courts martial,that would have no doubt ordered his execution by hanging)

    Taney was only saved because the U.S. Marshal in charge of the arrest talked Lincoln into taking back the warrant…

    Chief Justice Roberts may not be so fortunate in a future insurrection that seems almost inevitable and every bit as bloody as CW I, as his name is high on the patriot proscription list as a vile traitor.