I’m calling this person a liar:

‘Tariana Turia invoked the revolutionary spirit (read “murderous marxist inclinations” kg)  of Che Guevara when she wore a black beret in a showdown with Prime Minister John Key.
The Maori Party co-leader’s headwear prompted a storm of commentary this week, and saw her labelled “Te Beret” and “Chur Guevara”.
But Turia said she thought she had lost her cosy woollen hat that she bought in a market in Porirua over a decade ago.
“The funny thing about it is I thought I lost it, then the other day when I was getting ready to go out to the hui I was looking for a hat to wear and all of a sudden in amongst my hats there it was“….’
And in amongst all her hats, “all of a sudden” she chose that one to wear….hmmmm..

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12 Responses to I’m calling this person a liar:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Pants on fucking FIRE!!!!

    • Darin says:

      Of course,she’s like Obama and the rest of the left lying is all they’ve got.

  2. Angus says:

    I wonder if Key and that fuckwit fifth-columnist Attorney General of his are now beginning to realize that all of the secret deals and giveaways to the mardi party in the last four years was for nothing, politically?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Nope, Angus, not a chance. First, Key is a quisling who will do a deal with anyone to stay in power. Do you really believe for a second he wouldn’t have gone down on Winston if it would have kept him in the PM’s seat?

      And as for the most corrupt Attorney-General in the history of the country (and after Margaret Wilson, that’s saying something), he’s a True Believer. He’s been supping on the Kool Aid. The corporate IWI were his paymasters before he went into parliament, and they will be his paymasters when he leaves. His time in parliament is simply payback for their investment.

      Shoot the fucking lot of them, I say.

      • KG says:

        “His time in parliament is simply payback for their investment.”
        Nail squarely on head. Nice one.

  3. Sci Fi Guy says:

    I could say she is channeling Frank Spencer but he was a lovable character, something this racist isn’t.

  4. john says:

    :wtf Someone should show this sad sack how to wear a beret properly.

    • KG says:

      The loathsome POS is wearing it that way so it shows the separatist flag to best effect, I reckon, John.

      • john says:

        Yeah, I’m just waiting for the Greens to join her shower in proposing it become our new national flag and I wouldn’t put it past Key either. At the same time we become the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of Aotearoa and the TofW becomes the “supreme law”. :gunner

  5. oswald bastable says:

    Tell this old troopie that beret ain’t new!

    Bullshit!- (but what else would we expect)

  6. berets-ick-
    and to think our US -Olympic atheists must wear berets as part of their ‘official’ Chinese made uniforms!