Just kick these creeps OUT!

‘A TAXI driver who raped his female passenger last weekend should have been banned from driving cabs five months ago, but was allowed to keep driving.
…The department admitted it would have immediately suspended the taxi licence of Sumudu Rangana Bamunu Arachchige, 28, in February when he was charged with stabbing a man twice with a kitchen knife, but claims police did not notify them of that until Monday.
..Former Ethnic Communities Council president Suresh Rajan said he did not condone taxi drivers committing offences, but said mentoring and training programs were needed to teach them about Australian culture and the status of women…’
Once upon a time in Australia, parents used to advise their kids if they got stranded to call a cab to get home. No more.
Thanks, multiculturalism.

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19 Responses to Just kick these creeps OUT!

  1. Darin says:

    I dunno it could be my white,educated American-Christian up-bringing,but I have always known it is wrong to rape women and stab people,wasn’t taught that either,maybe it was society in general,yep that’s it,I didn’t come from a third rate,illiterate stone age shit hole of a”country”.

    That is what pisses me off the most about our current crop of “immigrants”.The first waves of immigrants came from European countries and the people who came had similar values to ours and were only here because for whatever reason they had fell on hard times and wanted better for themselves and were willing to work for it.
    Now we have people being let in who are totally foreign to the principles of human civilization,have no work ethic and no moral guidance,the result is a disaster and those who allow it are responsible.

    • Moist von Lipwig says:

      “I dunno it could be my white,educated American-Christian up-bringing,but I have always known it is wrong to rape women and stab people”
      Funny that… I guess you didn’t need any…
      “mentoring and training programs were needed to teach them about Australian culture and the status of women…”

  2. KG says:

    “..a disaster and those who allow it are responsible.”
    Yes indeed. But those who allow it–actively encourage and promote it–are our employees.
    Except, we’ve allowed them to become our rulers. Telling us, their employers, what’s best for us, what we’re allowed and not allowed to do.
    We created the monster and now we don’t have the numbers, the means or the guts to slay it.

  3. Flashman says:

    If it was a white low life raping a dusky multicultural the event would be an extended rabid media frenzy fueled by all manner of talking head lib commentators and stirrers.

  4. octagongrappler says:

    ..Former Ethnic Communities Council president Suresh Rajan said he did not condone taxi drivers committing offences

    Oh thats a relief :mrgreen: It sounds like he had to think about it? Who would condone it :roll: ..

    Anyway losing his taxi ticket will teach him not to rape women. And if he does it again, he may have to resit the exam again.. :rant

    • KG says:

      And why was the former Ethnic Communities Council president approached for comment?

  5. mistress mara says:

    It’s quite true that taxi drivers are no longer generally trusted, especially by women at night for the obvious reasons. See above. I’d love one to try taking me on :gunner (ooh yes) .. the loss of his licence would be the least of his worries. That said, I have some sympathy for the immigrant cabbies who are deeply shamed by the brutish, primitive behaviour of some of their co-workers.
    I have tuned my young daughter’s antennae and reckon she’s safer than most, but then I’m not bewildered or cowed by multiculty, diversity cringing fear of offending.

    • octagongrappler says:


      I happen to know many single young women who on a friday night, Are hit on by Indian taxi drivers in an almost explicit manner :wtf ..

      They are dirty and filthy perverts…

    • WAKE UP says:

      “…I have tuned my young daughter’s antennae…”

      That’s not enough Mara, you need to accept that, thanks to “multiculturalism”, your daughter is not safe out there.

      • octagongrappler says:

        Wake Up

        Im guessing it will be illegal soon for 2 white couples to marry :mrgreen:

  6. Kris K says:

    If the system refuses to deal with immigrant scum then proud and patriotic nationals are going to have to get used to the idea of metering out justice themselves.

    If it was my wife/daughter/relative I wouldn’t hesitate.

    • octagongrappler says:

      Patriot groups are 5 years away Kris. its amazing because what will it take to get people to wake up. Christchurch is coming in for a “diversity dividend” as well..

      Spoon says at least 30-40 thousand migrants will be needed for chch but that will skyrocket as they will bring family and other relatives… :popcorn

      • Kris K says:

        Yeah, Spidy, if we think it’s bad now just wait for all these ‘new arrivals’ to make their presence felt.

        And when it does all turn to custard we’ll know whose door to go knocking on … “You hear that, Spoonley [you arrogant twat!]?”

        • octagongrappler says:

          Spoon is having an orgasm as we speak :mrgreen: . Im guessing the diversity crowd see the earthquake as a silver lining to flood Our largest “kiwi” city with “diversity”…

  7. KG says:

    Some questions:
    Why does Christchurch “need” third-world immigrants?
    Does anybody really believe they won’t head for Auckland once they’re in NZ?
    Who will pay for their housing?
    Who will foot the bill for re-housing them after the next big ‘quake?
    Will New Zealanders be asked if they want this level of immigration?

    Christchurch is a Trojan horse.

    • octagongrappler says:


      Thats what I am thinking, They will head to Auckland, or the familly members almost certainly will.. :popcorn

  8. mistress mara says:

    Wake up …. “your daughter is not safe out there.” It’s fair to say that nobody is entirely safe anywhere; that’s life, but re the imported barbarians, the alternative safety measure of cowering indoors out of fear is simply NOT an option. I was her taxi service for years but she’s 21 now and, much as I sometimes worry, she MUST learn to live in the real world, in this case Auckland Central.

  9. WAKE UP says:

    “…she MUST learn to live in the real world, in this case Auckland Central.”

    At what price? All over the civilised world, immigrant ghetto populations are taking over parts of Western cities, to the point where the police won’t even go into some areas . Think about it.
    We have the right to decide WHICH “real world” we wish to live in. Or not.
    Auckland Central needs cleaning out and cleaning up. Be careful.

    • WAKE UP says:

      They’ve already taken over a vital part of the infrastructure — the taxis.