“the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents”

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27 Responses to “the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents”

  1. Ronbo says:

    The civil war in America starts…


    What do you want to bet the terrorist is either an Islamist or hardcore Leftist who hated the fact that the hero in the movie Batman is a “Romney-like” rich hero and crime fighter, and the antagonist Bane is clearly a Leftist type on the level of Obama?

    14 DEAD!

    Thus the “Bloody Kansas” period of civil war begins…

  2. Contempt says:

    Yep, Obama’s gonna do something about this. mass killings, Trayvon, jihad, robberies gone “bad,” “random” shootings. Sick.

    • Ronbo says:

      The wheels are coming off the U.S. wagon…and like Leonard Cohen said, “I’ve seen the future, and brother it’s murder.”

  3. Oswald Bastable says:

    What an amazing coincidence that this happen just when the Sock Puppet is about to get into bed with his UN buddies and plot throwing out the second amendment…

    • Ronbo says:


      Commies are psychopaths – Yes, I have no doubt that Obama would order a massacre like this to get the spotlight off his sinking poll numbers.

      Never forget that Obama has already ordered the deaths of American citizens.

      …and I doubt if his stooges would have to look far to find a little commie rat willing to do the dirty work.

      These Red scumbags better pray that if this is the case, they have covered their tracks well. :twisted:

  4. Moist von Lipwig says:

    “Click the pic for larger version”

    Would you mind very much if I didn’t ? :grin:

    • KG says:

      Not at all, vonL. Don’t blame you, I just made it large so people could print it out if they wanted. :popcorn

  5. KG says:

    Hmmm….Fox News: “White House Orders Flags to be Flown at Half-Staff”
    Did they do that after the Fort Hood massacre?

  6. KG says:

    Sigh…I see the NZ herald is running an item on the Batman shooter, and it ends with the usual anti-gun propaganda…..
    No mention–of course–of the number of violent crimes thwarted by licensed gun owners ever year, even though (according to FBI stats) they run into the millions every year.
    Dishonest and ignorant assholes, the lot of ’em..

    • Darin says:

      Yep,and ABC was quick to find a Teaparty member by the same name in Aurora.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      There’s a bunch of uninformed nonsense almost everywhere on the web today, KG. A topic like this just shows how many completely unthinking Epsilons the vast majority of people are. And the tragedy is these moronic, indoctrinated idiots get to vote!

      • KG says:

        The most urgent need today is for some kind of qualification in order to vote, and the first disqualification needs to be “on welfare=no vote”.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Not just welfare. Only those who are nett tax payers (i.e. they pay more than they take) should have the vote. Anyone else has a proven vested interest in corrupting and perverting the electoral process.

  7. Sector7g says:

    Speaking of one of the worst, have a look at this article with such gems as this….

    Dr Samantha Thomas, who spoke at the annual Castan Centre for Human Rights Law Conference in Melbourne, said the war on obesity was failing because society put too much emphasis on personal responsibility.
    “Obesity rates are still increasing because we put all the responsibility on the individual, but are completely reluctant to tackle the corporations that are part of the cause – the junk food companies, the soft drink companies, even the town planners who design new suburbs with no backyards or playgrounds,” Dr Thomas said.

    “Dr Thomas said the anti-obesity fight should be similar to the war on smoking, with big tobacco companies blamed rather than individuals labelled weak or lazy”


  8. KG says:

    Nice nick, Sector. ;-)
    “Dr” Thomas needs to get a fucking life. I’m so sick of these self-appointed do-gooder assholes preaching and whining while they pull down big salaries courtesy of the people they despise. :evil:
    My message to them is: FUCK OFF AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
    The main cause of obesity is simply that energy in exceeds energy out. Period. And it’s the individual’s responsibility.

  9. mistress mara says:

    KG, yes extreme fatness is an individual responsibility except that the rest of society pays dearly for the results. Smokers pay for themselves through tax so I (being one) leave them alone. Alcohol? Young pissed kiddies vomiting and spreading their legs at 5am bus stops is a problem that could easily have been avoided if only the cops weren’t in the control of PC Govt. policy. Notice that Police Commssioners only speak up when they retire. Cowardly toadies!! The present one included. We do not need more committees, white or green papers … we just need a stiff cock to state the obvious. Fucking enforce the laws that already exist!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      “…we just need a stiff cock to state the obvious…”

      So, Saturday night is strap-on night at Mistress Mara’s Fun Palace then?

  10. KG says:

    uh oh…….