He probably made enough to buy a beer….

Claim naval officer ‘sold’ NZ secrets’

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14 Responses to He probably made enough to buy a beer….

  1. Oswald Bsatable says:

    Oh crap! Now the enemy know where we hide the Bren gun!

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: :cheers

    • Ronbo says:

      But seriously….at the end of the day, we will have to kill these dangerous Leftist animals if the Free World Nations are to survive as independent states.

      As just proven yet again in the article, the traitors within the gates are much more dangerous than the barbarians outside…

      God help me but I PRAY for civil war, so that I march against the real enemies of America.

  2. Redbaiter says:

    Mark Levin hammers the gutless cowardly GOP leadership over their failure to defend Michelle Bachmann re her Muslim Brotherhood letter.


    Much of what Mark says can also be said about the National Party leadership in New Zealand. Weak and cowardly political drifters.

  3. KG says:

    Thanks, RB. “Unprincipled” doesn’t begin to describe these shameful, gutless attacks and weasel-words from so-called “conservatives”.
    The Republican Party is in the hands of RINOS and effing traitors and it’s time registered Republicans grew a pair and cleaned house. Same in NZ. Same in Australia. Same in Britain.
    No wonder the fucking media attacks true conservatives–they at least recognise who the left’s allies are, and the allies are what passes for conservatives currently in government or opposition.
    Clean the bastards out, I say. :rant :gunner

  4. KG says:

    The lefty media trying to put one of theirs in place…

    Odd, isn’t it, how Abbott is slaying Gillard but these clowns want to install Turnbull…who is a socialist asshole in all but name.

    • kowtow says:

      Who are these idiots?
      With an historic victory on the horizon some twit comes up with this!
      I love the way they say it’s up to the voters while they seek to undermine Abbott.Do they want labor/Green to stay in?

      • KG says:

        “Do they want labor/Green to stay in?”
        Well, they know Labor is gone for all money, kowtow, so they’re looking to replace them with something as similar as possible. The famed *spit* “middle way”–socialism in a new suit and only the label changes.
        Look at Cameron’s gang in Britain and you see the agenda and the result.

  5. Ronbo says:


    When the big traitors like the Green Communists sell out Australia, the little traitors like the psychopath in the article cash in by selling out the entire SEATO alliance.


    Interesting that the commies in America and Australia move at about the same time to destroy their respective nations from within using the same M.O. ?

    …and the Russian Communists in Moscow are holding the smoking gun.

    • Darin says:

      We used to hang spies.

      • Ronbo says:


        My prediction is that the time coming soon when we patriots will once again get out the rope and hang traitors by the scores in America… :evil:

        …And so goes America, so goes the Free World. :evil:

        The patriots are aided by the fact that the Left has a chain-of-command and a well known leadership cadre.

        Thus if one chops off the head of the snake, the body dies pretty damn rapidly.

        Take Chile in 1973 for example – the military conducted a coup against Allende and within 72 hours had killed the Communist leadership and pretty well secured the country. The next level of really dangerous Reds were killed “resisting” arrest, and lesser Bolsheviks were imprisoned in maximum security for interrogation (and later executed)…

        The majority “little fish” commie bastards were allowed the option of exile for life, but were stripped of all their money and property. So they ended up in places like France with little more than the clothes on their backs – finally justice for the millions of exiles from Communism who ended up in the Free World as paupers.

        A special operator type I knew in San Diego, California told me that in the USA, fewer than 50,000 leading Leftists would have to be executed to secure the country. He should know – did he the study for U.S. Naval Intelligence, although it was conducted under a very deceptive name. :mrgreen:

        Only 50,000 big commie traitors in the whole USA !?! :gunner

        Like I said before, it is amazing how very FEW Leftists in the world are actually running the show.

        Cheers, Ronbo

  6. Katie says:

    NZ has secrets? I thought that they sold out everything to the Maori?