Open house

Not that it makes the slightest difference…;)

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56 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘Gingrich Stands with Bachmann: Investigate Muslim Brotherhood’s Influence’

    Gingrich, at least, has balls.

  2. KG says:

    This is where the money goes:
    ‘SOME workers at Queensland Rail will lose bonuses because payments are out of control, Transport Minister Scott Emerson has announced..
    ……The government-owned corporation had 12 senior executives paid above the CEO level, compared to only two at CEO level at the Department of Main Roads, an organisation of similar size.
    The 12 are being paid $4.53 million, and there were also more than 60 general managers in Queensland Rail compared to 20 in main roads…’

  3. Katie says:

    Do you ever clean up this place? Beer cans and spent shells all over the place. Looks like a frat house on a Sunday morning.


  4. octagongrappler says:

    Gay Marriage is a step closer in NZ… :popcorn ..

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    So, my twitter feed is pretty much full up from people at FreePAC.

    Highlights so far appear to be (1) when the crowd sang God Bless America, and (2):

    Dean Clancy: “Let’s hear it for Chief Justice Roberts!”
    Crowd: “BOOOOOOOOO”

  6. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Not quite cute overload but……
    Awww.. anyway

  7. KG says:

    ‘How Obama has stealthily dismantled America’s immigration enforcement laws’

  8. Darin says:

    Yet another persons hopes and dreams smashed by the $&(!@?! government :evil:

  9. Brad Thor’s new book -BLACK LIST – is out- got it today – WOW- talk about 1984 ish govt surveillance and I’ve just started reading it!!!!
    You all know that I’ve been getting the ‘eye rolls’ for years- warning about the IRS- SS- helicopters over properties- satellite surveillance-etc etc etc –well Mr. Thor is getting the word out!!

    • Ronbo says:

      As former federal political prisoner (class of 1994 to 1998 for the alleged attempted assassination of the degenerate Leftist President Clinton) I could write a book on harassment by the U.S. Secret Service who are called the “SS” by American patriots with Nazi SS traits always noted.

      A brief resume of this illegal harassment below since my case was closed by the Department of Justice on June 26, 2001 and I received a very nice letter from the Attorney General who informed me if I walked the good walk, the federal government was finished with me.

      1. Harassment on the job by SS agents that resulted in my termination from any decent employment. I was forced to take low wage jobs at temporary jobs to support myself.

      2. Long term housing impossible as the SS agents put pressure on rental managers to “move me alone.” The result was high rents at hotel and motels until the SS agents showed up to harass the property managers who “moved me along” because they feared the Feds.

      3. The SS attempted many times to set up a “spy network” of friends and relations to watch and report “everything” on Ronbo. The result was that today I few close friends and have cut off contact with my family.

      4. My passport application was refused. I was told by the State Department that I must remain forever in the United States. Just for kicks, I attempted recently to “defect” to Canada by their consul office in Seattle. When the Canadian stopped laughing and got on the horn, he found out from his people that Canada would not accept my defection and the RCMP would arrest me immediately if I showed anywhere in that country.

      5. Etc, etc, etc…I have created an entire blog “The Secret Service Journal” that has documented this SS harassment of a retired and decorated U.S. Army veteran of twenty years service to the Republic (1966 to 1986) that was done WITHOUT COLOR OF LAW.

  10. Cadwallader says:

    Well, here we go again! The Olympiad. I expect in the next 2 weeks we’ll see sickening displays of nationalism as groups of people bonded only by geographical coincidence will bray, as athletes win dubious awards for dubious activities, of how wonderful “our country” and “our participants” are. The socialists will describe the athletes as “our athletes” receiving “our spoils of victory.” Collectivists seem to adore the Olympics as a chance to paint individual success as a united achievement.
    The purpose of the games generally eludes me…though the female athletes can certainly be eye-candy. :whoop

  11. WAKE UP says:

    This should stir the pot…

    I couldn’t possibly comment. :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      riiight….and Hollywood is so principled. Not driven by greed and locked into yesterday’s marketing at all…..
      Every time I play a DVD and have to sit through the list of threats and insanely draconian penalties that their friends in politics approved, I find myself wanting to applaud anybody who can rip the bastards off.

  12. WAKE UP says:

    From today’s NZ Herald: ” ‘White supremacy’ view draws most complaints”

    Professor Margaret Mutu said “…the Government should restrict the number of immigrants from countries such as South Africa, Britain and the United States…They do bring with them, as much as they deny it, an attitude of white supremacy that is fostered by the country…”

    Sounds like just the people we need :mrgreen:

    • oswald bastable says:

      I will take the white supremisist movement over this, which I found on another post here (Hat tip to Flashman):

      I wish I hadn’t read it, but we cannot turn away from such evil- it CANNOT go unnoticed.

      If I could remove the decent people and cleanse what are left with nuclear fire…

      • KG says:

        Me too, Os.

      • Anonymous says:

        Os, that is just another one of the thousand brutal attacks on white South Africans since the ANC take over. The English press there has stopped reporting the “genocide” that is happening. Of course the Western world that forced white SA to to abdicate has, once again, done nothing when the “chosen” has raped, pillaged and murdered. mawm

    • K2 says:

      If there were, for example, an actual organized resistance to politically directed 3rd world immigration for the purposes of furthering the left agenda, then that resistance would use political judo to make a big deal out of what is obviously a racist statement.

  13. jonno1 says:

    I was visiting my son and daughter-in-law the other night when I asked if I could borrow a newspaper.

    ‘This is the 21st century, old man,’ he said. ‘We don’t waste money on newspapers. Here, you can borrow my iPod.’

    I can tell you, that bloody fly never knew what hit it…..

  14. jonno1 says:

    A Somali arrives in Sydney as a new immigrant to Australia. He stops the first person he sees walking down the street and says, “Thank you Mr Australian for letting me in this country, giving me housing, money for food, free medical care, free education and no taxes!”

    The passer-by says, “You are mistaken, I am Indian.”

    The man goes on and encounters another passer-by. “Thank you for having such a beautiful country here in Australia!” The person says, “I not Australian, I Vietnamese.”

    The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops, shakes his hand and says, “Thank you for the wonderful Australia!” That person puts up his hand and says, “I am from Lebanon, I am not Australian!”

    He finally sees a nice lady and asks, “Are you a Australian?” She says, “No, I am African”.

    Puzzled, he asks her, “Where are all the Australians?” The African lady checks her watch and says …. “Probably at work.”

    • KG says:

      What a piece of crap Watson is. Why isn’t he in jail?

      • WebWrat says:


        If I was crew on his boat when he did his ramming thing, I would chuck him over-board to the sharks for endangering my life and all others involved … both ships.

        Greenies think he’s wonderful!

        Why don’t they (Greenies) lead by example and top themselves for the greater good of Gaia and the future ‘Earthlings’?

  15. Andrei says:

    MATH QUIZ: Reveals your favorite movie!!

    NO peeking and looking at the movies first.

    Do the math, THEN compare the results to a list of movies.

    You will be AMAZED at how scary, true, and accurate this test is.

    1. Pick a number from 1-9.
    2. Multiply that number by 3.
    3. Add 3.
    4. Multiply by 3 again.
    5. Your total will be a two digit number. Add the first and second digits together to get one number.
    6. Find your number and favorite movie (of all time) in the list of movies.

    Click here to see your results!

    • WebWrat says:

      Weird! I cheated and looked first to see if you were trying to make me look silly!! Then I thought I’d stick to the number I thought of before I looked.
      Got the result I wanted … 9!

      Going to pick some Lotto numbers now! :whoop :cheers

    • Angus says:

      I got 6 – Casablanca . . . I’m no good at being noble, but it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.

      • Andrei says:

        If you got 6 that means you are no good at mental arithmetic :lol:

        Should I explain the algebra and spoil the joke? A tricky one

        • Angus says:

          I overlooked step 4 the first time. Looking at it again I see mathematics at play.

  16. KG says:

    :whoop Well, that worked out ok! :lol:

  17. KG says:

    Oh, FFS! :rant
    “She’s a world champion rugby player, former Silver Ferns netball player and an MP. But Labour MP Louisa Wall does not feel she is treated fairly in NZ – because she’s gay.”

    get an effing life, you stupid bitch. Your sexual preferences are of no interest to anybody but you and a very few others.

  18. Darin says:

    Lib Dems try to sneak gun control bill in to limit high capacity magazines-

  19. oswald bastable says:

    Today was a good day.

    helped get a bloke and his kids out of the clutches of the greens. They are starting to see a brave new world out there!

    Early days. My goal now is to get him to write a book on geen servitude…

  20. KG says:

    Good for you, Os! One less bloody foot-soldier they’ve got.