Pissant Pacific pollies fling taxpayer’s hard-earned money around:

‘New Zealand’s Olympic athletes will pocket huge cash pay-outs for their efforts in London, ranking their performance pay among the highest in the world. Our gold medal-winning rowers will pick up $60,000 each before tax, and silver and bronze winners get $55,000 each. The payouts go down to $20,000 for a 16th place, with Nick Willis to receive $25,000 for his 9th place yesterday.
Athletes competing in team events – deemed to be more than eight members – will get from $20,000 each for eighth place to $35,000 each for winning gold.
When you compare that with the $NZD 31,000 that Americans receive for gold, or the $NZD 26,000 Australians receive, we are fairly well off.
The Performance Enhancement Grants (PEGs) are taxpayer-funded, handed out by High Performance Sport New Zealand – the agency tasked with generating international sporting success…’
Did anybody ask the people who earn the money to pay for this if they agreed to the payments? And will athletes pay back any of the money out of their subsequent sponsorship deals?

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4 Responses to Pissant Pacific pollies fling taxpayer’s hard-earned money around:

  1. Andrei says:

    Speaking of the Olympics this is beyond satire – Gay athletes are discriminated against or something.


  2. KG says:

    Sigh…..couldn’t these people just get a life, and spare us this garbage?

  3. Andrei says:

    The New Zealand Herald, why am I not surprised, has more

    British rights activist Peter Tatchell and a handful of supporters rallied outside Russia’s Sochi Park pavilion in London to protest Russian authorities’ refusal to allow a pride house at the 2014 Winter Games – a decision that was backed up by a Russian court.

    “Quite clearly, this ban is in violation of the Olympic charter, which prohibits discrimination and guarantees equality,” Tatchell said. He said the International Olympic Committee “doesn’t appear to want to engage with this issue”.

    Source- Olympics: Openly gay athletes still scarce

  4. WAKE UP says:

    In the real world, if you don’t do the job properly (i.e win) you don’t get paid, you get sacked.
    “…the agency tasked with generating international sporting success…”

    to what end?