
‘An elderly couple is recovering Tuesday after they were brutally beaten inside their south Kansas City home.
The woman was also raped, according to a police report.
Tony L. Putman, 18, of Kansas City was charged with six felonies Tuesday afternoon. The charges include one count of rape and two counts of robbery…’   source
The woman was 84, the man 93.

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7 Responses to Filth:

  1. dondiego says:

    Another one of Obama’s hypothetical sons. At last Kansas should provide appropriate punishment.

  2. mawm says:

    Pffft…..This is such a common crime in SA now on the elderly. The only difference is he didn’t torture them first and execute them afterwards. Now if it had been a white supremacist or a TEA partier………………… :roll:

  3. KG says:

    Too true.
    It’s important that we don’t become so numb to this evil that we simply shrug and learn to ignore it.
    While the newspapers and television are full of faux outrage over a few so-called “racist” comments in social media about homosexuals and muslims, they ignore or minimise the real evil perpetrated by those from the designated “victim” categories.

  4. WAKE UP says:

    Obama is unique: he’s managed to cause unrest and outrageous acts both inside and outside America.

  5. Darin says:

    Crank the woodchipper

    • Katie says:

      Woodchipper is too good for this piece of trash. Let us half hang him, then with a white hot blade, cut out his inners. Castration without anesthetic, then tie all 4 limbs to horses and sent them out in 4 different directions.

      If he is still alive we can then show some mercy. Beheading with an axe and placing his head on a pike for all to see.

      But someone will cry that is too lenient for this creature too.

      :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant

  6. Thanks for the photo- I figured he was black–am I raaaacist!
    Coming from the Detroit area-
    I know what the welfare-entitlement mentality is all about,…and what it brings out in humans….
    so the photo of the perp.-confirmed my suspicions…