Paul who?

uninspiring and unimaginative.


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21 Responses to Paul who?

  1. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    Don’t be so bloody ridiculous. He’s just the right guy in the right place at the right time.

    They have to drag the campaign back to the economy and this is the one guy who can do that.

    Have to admit though, I would love to have seen the Black Arsed JackAss’s face if he had picked Condi Rice.

  2. KG says:

    I specialise in the bloody ridiculous, Adolf. Thing is, a few months or years down the track, it’s somehow not looking quite so ridiculous. For example, I was “ridiculous” when I predicted Key would prove to be little better in practice than Clark. Not only is he little better, in some ways he turned out to be far worse. So I’ll stick with my absurdities, thank you.
    The economy isn’t everything. Important, I grant you but in the context of getting rid of obambi, it’s almost irrelevant.
    What’s needed is a team which can energise and inspire Americans to get out and vote, and no bloody accountant ever did that.

    • Adolf Fiinkensein says:

      What on earth makes you think ‘the team’ is just the candidate and his offsider?
      It is the duty of ALL the people on the centre right to get behind their man and do their bit. That includes Mrs Palin, Mrs Bachman, Gov Perry, Mr Gingrich, Govs Christie, Walker and Whatsisname.

  3. KG says:

    “Centre right”? What are we talking here, semisocialist John Key? Conservative – and not a few independents – Americans are ready to thoroughly repudiate that “centre right” bullshit.They’ve had a gutful of centrist sell-outs.

    The team which matters in terms of publicity and effectiveness is the candidate and his offsider. No matter what the others do, if Republicans and independents aren’t inspired by that combination, they’ll lose. Period.
    What’s more, since Palin and Bachman, Christie and West et al have been slandered and victimised by the MSM without a strong reaction from the GOP supporting them, what the hell makes you think their contribution now will be either valued or forthcoming?
    (And every one of the people I just mentioned would have inspired voters far, far more than RinoRomney and his accountant offsider)

  4. KG says:

    Leadership is not about “consensus”. Leadership is listening to the people, looking at the direction the country is headed and having the guts and vision to lay it all on the line and lead from the front. About having the courage to speak up and damn the consequences. To inspire by example.
    Romney and his running mate are about as inspiring as last week’s lettuce sandwich.

  5. I’m more with Adolf on this one.
    I accept a beancounter might not sound sexy.
    But Ryan has been strong on the finance front and will do much to give focus on the economy.

    • KG says:

      You also miss the point, Fairfacts. To do anything at all about the economy, they first have to win the bloody election. Talking about the economy will not do that, whatever political junkies and commenters may think.
      The downside, too, of talking about the economy is that around 100 million Americans receive welfare of some kind. You really think those people want to see their benefits slashed–an essential part of economic reform?

  6. KG says:

    You heard it here first:
    ‘To Win Independents, Romney Must Show Leadership’

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    Hmmm… I’m siding with both camps on this one. Ryan doesn’t have the charisma of a Palin, West r even Rubio, but he is a good, solid Conservative (look at his voting record) who will keep Romney on the straight and narrow. He is not just a Washington insider, and is not a RINO. Importantly, he gives the Obama administration the screaming shits, and will destroy Biden. I think you will see some energy in the campaign that has been lacking until now. Tea Party Conservatives will rally for Ryan rather than Romney.

    While 100 million Americans do receive welfare of some kind, most know it’s unsustainable, and many know the ticking time bomb they’re leaving their children. In Slick Willy The Oerv’s day it was “the economy, stupid”. Now, it’s the Debt Bomb, stupid, and most people know it.

    The Ryan budget plan will fix the economy. It will reform Medicare, MedicAid and Social Security (the off balance-sheet 100 TRILLION dollar debt). And it does so without chucking the baby out with the bath water.

    KG, Adolf has no credibility talking about Ryan or the other potential contenders because he thinks like a socialist (the constant fellating of John Key, even after he ran off and eloped with the Apartheid Party, says all you need to know). He talks in terms of the “centre right”. I think he’s even used “middle class” a few times. Balkanising the people in order to divide them. Ryan is not “centre right”. He is a Conservative. Quiet, unassuming and very efficient Conservative.

    Would I have preferred Rubio? Of course – he beings an entire constituency with him, and would almost guarantee Florida. But Ryan is not the white-bread RINO he appears. His voting record, and the way he has eviscerated Geithner in the Budget Committee, point to a smiling assassin. Let’s just wait and see if he can man up and give the Romney campaign the spine it’s lacked thus far. One thing is for sure, Romney / Ryan will bring out the 30 million Conservatives who couldn’t stomach pulling the lever for McCain in ’09.

  8. Darin says:

    Ryan is a solid pick,at least Romney didn’t go with a nobody.

    That said here is the core issue.Romney is not running against Obama.

    Nope,not running against Obama,he’s running against the media.

    He could pick Jesus as his VP and it wouldn’t matter,he’s still running against the media.

    Romney needs to energise the base,yes,he needs to throw some red meat out to Independents,but more importantly he needs to remind Obama’s base what a disappointment Obama is to them.At the end of the day Independents need a reason to vote for Romney,Conservatives need to be re-assured,but more importantly Democrats need a reason to stay home.

  9. hope Ryan keeps the RNC-GOP “GROOMERS” away-remember what they did to Palin–!!!

    romney is the R-elites’ pick-

    heard Ryan’s speech today–“reach across the aisle”—REALLY-
    mc cain was BIG ON REACHING across the aisle–look where that got him!!!

    • KG says:

      :shock: :shock: he really said that, Carol? Any Republican who uses that term is at least immediately suspect. Reaching consensus with an evil pack of :censor is in and of itself an unprincipled betrayal of the voters. :rant

  10. Michael in Nelson says:

    Ok KG, the Republican ticket is not perfect. Would you rather vote for Obama-Biden? Of course not. I understand your problem with Ryan. His ‘budget’ is not a budget of fiscal responsibility (i.e. spend less than you make) but a ‘spend less than the other guy’.

    But what other choice do the American people have now? Consider the number of truly conservative Congressional candidates that are now being elected thanks to the Tea Party. Should their numbers get large enough (and they are getting close) they will force true reform.

    In 2010 the big (untold) story was the vast number of liberal state houses rescued by conservatives. In addition, there were many Republican (many conservative) Governors elected. Even in liberal Wisconsin a recall effort failed big time. The proof is in the pudding. Those states with Republican Governors and state houses have lower unemployment than those that retained liberal democrats. Granted the Obumbler is trying to take credit for that but the unions know they are in real trouble.

    With R&R the Republicans offer a clear choice to the tax and spend idiots on the left. If they get elected they will drag big numbers of other Republicans (many true Tea Party conservatives) with them and hopefully grind the progressives into the concrete of entrepreneurial success.

    • KG says:

      Can’t argue with that, Michael. But the problems also go far deeper than mere economics, as you know. It’s going to take a massive re-think to turn around the effects years of socialist crap have had on the military, for example. Boot the lawyers out, introduce realistic ROE’s etc.
      And the welfare demographic will remain just that for the forseeable future, not matter how well the economy does.
      Then there’s the schools and the teacher’s unions……….
      And the infestation of liberal judges…

  11. The Gantt Guy says:

    Michelle Malkin:

    Seems Congressman Ryan is a chick magnet. Kinda like Chick-fil-A :)

    • Darin says:

      Ah,well that’s an easy mistake she made.What she meant was “wymyn”(liberal,dhimi,drug addled,lesbian women) won’t go for Ryan as opposed to regular women who will flock to an attractive,no-nonsense conservative husband and father who also happens to be a fiscal budget hawk.

      See,it really was a simple mistake on her part :popcorn

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Ahh, I see.

        Fooled by their own blindness and lack of ability to do basic math, the liberal media have failed to understand that most chickees out there would rather emulate Sarah Palin than Sandra Fluke!

        But that said, if you look at the numbers, the Sandra Fluke-sters overwhelmingly reject both Romney and Ryan. They’re men after all, and one of them is even a Conservative! Balance that against a Kendonesian rent-boy, and there’s no contest. Every liberal woman wants to be a fag-hag. :popcorn

  12. The Gantt Guy says:

    Oh, and I’ve always enjoyed this Klavan on the Culture: