Perhaps doctors are a social disease, too?

Doctors target gun violence as a social disease
IS a gun like a virus, a car, tobacco or alcohol? Yes, say public health experts, who in the wake of recent mass shootings are calling for a fresh look at gun violence as a social disease…’
Doctors Kill More People Than Guns and Traffic Accidents Combined’
Guns bear a similarity with cars in that both are tools, and like all tools they may be mis-used. The fact that doctors MAY have to occasionally treat gunshot wounds gives them no special insight into the complexities of gun legislation. They’re abusing the respect accorded their profession and using that respect to dabble in social engineering.

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5 Responses to Perhaps doctors are a social disease, too?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Make that “some” or a few activist doctors and they are usually the ones who stay in academia or run for office in the AMA, not the ones who actually go out and do the work. Just like the doctors for Obamacare – it turns out that a majority of American do tors (?80%) have considered leaving the profession because of it. As for killing patients it’s a bit like global warming with some very dicey definitions of cause of death. Anyway have you seen the quality of human they have to deal with? :roll: mawm

    • KG says:

      I don’t think any sane person believes these people speak for doctors in general, Mawm. They’re few, and they are very bloody irritating.
      And yes, I sure have seen the quality of human docs very often have to deal with.. :popcorn
      Sooner them than me, is all I can say.

      • Darin says:

        It’s the same thing with Abortion,the left always trots out some “doctors” who support it even though the vast majority object to it unless in extreme circumstances.

  2. Well spotted KG, and doctors kill themselves.
    It should be noted the ‘killing fields’ of Britian’s National Heath Service is reposnible for thousands of deaths every year, just from basic errors.

  3. Elijah says:

    I suppose then I should be looking for the next article on newer techniques for heart surgery in Guns an Ammo?