‘AMIENS, FRANCE—Months of tension between police and young people in a troubled district of northern France exploded on Tuesday, with dozens of youths facing off against riot officers in a night of violence. Seventeen officers were injured, a pre-school and public gym were torched, and at least three passing drivers in Amiens were dragged from their cars.
While the identity of the rioters and the immediate cause is unclear, the economic picture of the area in question is not. Unemployment skews higher in northern France and among the country’s youth. Less than two weeks ago, the French government declared Amiens among 15 impoverished zones to receive more money and security…’
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While the identity of the rioters ……
It seems pretty clear in some of the comments to that article that they are North African Muslims.
Yes indeed.
France is f#cked. I think the Muslim population is around 10% ,so the critical mass is there.
France ,though secular,was always very Catholic. I’ve read somewhere that more Muslims attend mosque in France than froggies attend Mass. They practise their religion which is of course more than religion,it is ideology while France turns it’s back on perhaps the only thing that can save it. It’s Catholic history and traditions.This in the country that gave us so many crusaders.
Game over. What country will be next?
It’s game over for the West Kowtow – the elites are helplessly bailing to keep things going and running distractions but it is way beyond their pay grade to resolve the problems.
The real cause, we have turned against God and as you know the consequences of that for a Nation are always catastrophic eventually.
If French Catholics had been making lots of little French catholic babies there would be no issues but instead Muslim’s are making lots of Muslim babies, Muslim women are conquering Northern Europe with their wombs
we have turned against God…
………….or maybe because we have turned to Mammon.
Feminisn was created by the Elites to stop us from having babies!!!
And the resulting deficit is filled by immigrants who change our culture and keep wages depressed. WIN/win for the policy makers of all colours. The left who ant to destroy and the right who like low wages.
Meanwhile society self destructs.
Ironically the feminists will be among the most “oppressed” under the new sharia regime.
This is all a plan for world govt thats it in a nutshell!! We will have no bases to unite and see who the common enenmy is. The One world elite!!
Creating a cycle of debt is the plan. Housing ponzi, required to get a degree to get a job=debt. Assests must be sold to service debt!!But we are in debt to whom??The bankers control the system and the media and pollies!!
The Jews of France have seen the writing on the wall. The majority of the community is preparing to leave France permanently. It seems that France will be the first European nation to become Judenfrei.
Congrats to France!
Maybe the Jews can go to Patagonia in Argentina?
Maybe after Israel has dealt to Iran (which seems more and more likely as the days go by) the European Jews will have a greenfields (actually a glass landscape) opportunity to develop another thriving homeland.
You Mean the roaming tribe of the Khazars Mawn!! The Askenazi have not a ancestral right to Palestine. I dont like Islam as much as the next person but I dont want to offend anyone, but I think Israel is a hoax.
Interesting point.
But what is any country? The Turks invaded Asia minor and made themselves at home. What are the maori but occupants of land,then Euros came,Same with Aus, Canada,USA.Whites had numbers and force on their side.
In 1945 huge parts of central Europe were ethnically cleansed of German communities that had lived in those areas for hundreds of years.
The Israel “problem” is they didn’t clear off enough Arabs, Arab neighbours refused to integrate the Palestinian refugees(like we in the west would)and it’s been kept in front of the UN by the Muslim world for political ends.Not enough Jews went to live there.Jews do need a homeland. Problem was the host wasn’t over welcoming .
Well Maybe they should have given them half of Bavaria? Are you aware of wants going on in Patagonia? The Argies who I have never really liked, are suffering for standing up to the bankers and they ended up getting destroyed.
Patagonia is being groomed to be taken by the IMF, who will then give goldman sachs a share and jp morgan etc the FED!! Oh and what will they do with this land?Look who is buying the Land. Eduardo Elstein!!
I dont want to be accused of anti-semetism but I also believe that Jewish groups promote anti western christian forums.
Why Palestine and why Jeruselum! Its a symbol and Physcological reason. Of course the friggin hosts who are arab/muslims would not be welcoming.
Is the whole Jewish population of Israel made up of Ashkenazi’s? :wtf
About 90% are. The rest are called sephradites who are the true semetic descendants of Moses. They are of an arab type stock and they lived in the Trans Jordanian madated Palestine area.
So Semitic refers to them. In 1920 was 10% jewish almost all were an Arab descent sephradites.
Actually most of the Jewish population of Israel comes from Arab countries. Justice for Jews From Arab Counties.
They were kicked out of these countries without compensation of their property. Women were raped, men were killed. All because their God Mohammad said to kill Jews.
And Islam is a twisted religion and of course jews have suffered.
Thanks Katie, I thought that it was stretching it a bit suggesting that Israel is predominantly Ashkenazi.
I have Khazar blood in me. So be very careful what you say about us.
And good on you Katie, I just was refering to the jewish historical background of the Kharzar.
Its Ironic the Anglo bashing that is allowed globally. I in no way seek to make hurtfull remarks about jews or Khazars. But my point being any question of Israel is seen as anti-semitic.
But my point being any question of Israel is seen as anti-Semitic.
Because it is. It is considered racist to scream about Jews, but if you change it to Israel/Israelis then it is acceptable.
It is the PC version.
I said critisism of Israel. I have actually alwqays wanted to go to british mandated palestine..
You will have to ask the Doctor to take you there, for there is no British Mandated Palestine. It is either Israel or Jordan.
I’m liking Patagonia myself-
Patagonia was chose by Theordor Hertzel in his 1896 Book titled “the jewish state” And on e of the chapters was Palestine or Argentine which shall we chose..The New York times ran an article a few years back saying Argentina could sede Patagonia as a way of dealing with its foreign debt.
They suggested that the IMF take control as a clearing house hmmmm…
sorry cede!! correction.
Naw….if you want the best economic result, give them the People’s Republic of California.
Well if that ain’t a head slapper :popcorn
In saying that, If the Jews are allowed a thriving homeland, Then why cant the Anglo-Nations??
Last time I checked Israel did not allow non-jews to immigrate so why not us??
In not allowing non-Jewish immigration, they miss out on the Diversity Dividend which is turning Northern Europe into a multi-cultural paradise, Spidy. You wouldn’t want NZ to miss out on that Dividend would you?
There are a lot of things Israel does that we don’t.I think it’s because they have common sense.
Because it wouldn’t be the “Jewish” nation if they did. Could you imagine what a few million Muslims would do to it?
I’ve lived in Australia long enough to know what they’ve done there. I can only imagine the carnage should they infest Israel!
So why do the anglo nations have to have open borders Katie??
Do you agree with jewish groups who want open borders for anglos??
Well Its just most jewish-groups in europe call for multi-culturalism in Europe that all.
Like Barbara Specktor in Sweden..
The tide on that is turning. The Jews of Europe have seen the light and are leaving for Israel. The 700 Jews of Norway are slowly selling their property and gathering for a few planes, same in Sweden. France’s Jews have brought the price of property in Tel Aviv up so high very few Sabras can afford them.
Oh yes. Hitler wins from the grave. The Jews are leaving and Europe will be Judenfrei in a decade. Then guess who will turn their hatred onto the Christians? Poetic Justice!
Will the increase of European Jews into Palestine mean that more land will be needed?
Barbara Specktor said Europe must become multi-cultural to survive? This os a women who has American/Israeli citizenship.
Lutherans —
REALLY : – )
There are SOME of us Lutherans who are taking a stand (“here I stand-I can do no other-..” Martin Luther) – while others continue trying to be nicey nice!
All Christiandom- stand up!
There – I said it!
One you might like Carol.This one post finally answered some long standing questions I had.I like the lyrics to the song,very fitting for the state of our nation/world I think.
The judges sat outside the law
And in their pride no evil saw
In setting teeth to Satan’s jaw
And feeding him our children
A curse a curse the Law it cries
A curse a curse on mankind’s pride
A curse on him who would deny
God’s image in mankind
When viewed in terms of cost and ease
An unborn child is a disease
A holocaust seen fit to please
Our own convenience.
Torn from out their mother’s womb
Denied the sky, denied the tomb
Conceived in lust to their own ruin
A sacrifice to pleasure
A curse, a curse their blood cries out
A curse, a curse the heavens shout
A curse, a curse on him who dares to flout
God’s image in mankind.
The doctors with their blood red hands
Who love their money more than man
With greed their god they lay their plans
The butchers of mankind.
O rid us of this evil, Lord
And turn our hearts by cross or sword
Our nation cannot long afford
To live beneath Your anger
More here-
Thank you SO MUCH !!
I will add pilgrimsplanet to my roll-
As to the poem – will have my ‘web master’ add it to the LA Lutherans for Life site ASA he gets back—
Your welcome Carol,if you have Real Media player it’s worth downloading the song.It was written by Kemper Crabb who’s famous for his Medieval Christmas songs and Christian Hymns.
Impalement called for
From octagongrappler’s link
Of course this fat greasy slug thinks it is a good idea to undermine national identity, it will help create serf classes, divided among themselves and far easier for the ruling elite to lord over.
You know why these servants of Satan have been undermining the family for the past forty years and degrading Western civilization, promoting abortion and contraception etc and that is so that they can make this happen and increase their power and parasitism.
Also male fertility and testosterone levels have halfed the last 40 years, due to androgenic chemicals that make men more feminine and women mor masculin. This is NWO stuff and the muslims are not behind this but another group are.
Blame the saran/cling wrap all your supermarket fresh produce comes wrapped in.
Or the Estrogen in our food and drinking water that got there from all the municipal runoff getting into the same reservoirs we use for irrigation.