Open house

‘The Mercedes-Benz 540 K Special Roadster is one of only 30 built. It may exceed the world auction record of US$16.4 million, set by a Ferrari last year, and comfortably beat the price of a Ferrari 250 GT California Spyder convertible, one of three included in the series of sales, which is estimated at US$9m.’      (click the pic for a larger version)

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74 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Idle thought: people say we “shouldn’t sink to the level of the left and thus coarsen discourse”.
    Wabbit says: There should be no discourse with the left–we should sink to below their level, and stab upwards into the belly of the beast.

  2. KG says:

    Demonising smokers: the headline reads “One in 20 hospital beds are occupied by someone with a smoking-related illness”
    Hmmm…and how many beds are taken up by people abusing alcohol, failing to exercise and obesity?

  3. Ciaron says:

    I’m not into smoking,and I can’t see why anyone would want to do it, BUT: seeing as it’s reasonably safe (compared with say driving after drugs and/or alcohol) and as long as you don’t do it on my property I see no reason to persecute people for it.

  4. Andrei says:

    One in 20 hospital beds are occupied by someone with a smoking-related illness”

    Its a load of shit – it is the human condition that as we age, most of us one way or another are going to get sick and “occupy a hospital bed”.

    If anything smoking saves the government money because smokers die slightly younger than the more virtuous citizens that don’t

    • Ciaron says:

      And pay a truck-load of tax on the way :rant

    • Mark.V. says:

      If a person is a smoker and becomes ill, then whatever condition he may have is attributed to the smoking.

      In any case smokers have more than paid for their stay in hospital, that cannot be said for the obese for example.

  5. Elijah says:

    Oh my, what a ravishing machine.
    My dream car.

    • KG says:

      Isn’t it magnificent? The only Benz I prefer to this is the SSKL of the same era.

      • Darin says:

        The car above has the right combination of class and fast,I like it even though it is German and probably has four times as many parts as it needs :smile:

        • KG says:

          Oh, I dunno, Darin–me and Gecko have had a succession of (older) MB cars, and without fail they’ve been absolutely reliable and very cheap to run.
          Anything after 1985, though, I’d avoid like Ebola.

          • Darin says:

            The Diesels were great cars,but a bastard to work on.The Boss had one that took no less than three hours to change the oil filter on as it involved removing the inner fender well and driverside tire.
            Car had nearly half a million miles on it when he accidentally lit the interior on fire gas welding the exhaust down pipe back on :mrgreen:

      • Elijah says:

        Yeah, but the SSKL is unrefined compared to the 540K. Splitting hairs though.

  6. KG says:

    “..smokers die slightly younger than the more virtuous citizens that don’t”
    Which brings me neatly to a point I’m constantly making to the anti-smoking zealots:
    The dishonest bastards frame it that way and a lot of people fall for it.
    Provided a smoker doesn’t inflict the smoke on non-smokers, there’s no moral issue at all.Is the bus driver who drives something that pumps out a known carcinogen demonised and criminalised?
    And why not?

    • Ciaron says:

      Me ole nanna shuffled of this mortal coil in her late eighties. Smoked at least a pack a day since her early 20’s and was never diagnosed with any “smoking related diseases”

      Poppa made his exit some 13 years prior to nanna, via colon cancer despite having kicked the fags into touch (so he used to say) in his mid 40’s…

      • KG says:

        Same for my parents, Ciaron. One day I’ll put up a post concerning the methodology of the statistics used to determine deaths from “smoking-related diseases”. :rant

  7. Darin says:

    I could careless about people smoking so long as they respect my personal space while they are doing it.

    I do have a no-smoking sign on my office door at work(yes,I actually do have an office,and I still remember what color the walls are in it,but that’s another story) it reads-
    “Some people enjoy a good smoke as it induces an amount of pleasure for them.
    The byproduct of this pleasure is tar and nicotine smoke which can ruin curtains,carpets and Upholstery as they are permeated by this smoke.

    I myself like a good Beer,it brings me pleasure.
    The byproduct of my pleasure is Urine.
    Would you want me coming into your office and Urinating on your curtains,carpets and Upholstery?
    Didn’t think so,please no smoking in my office” :mrgreen:

  8. I prefer an horse – Trekhner – Thoroughbred- that can jump 5 feet and execute the Grand Prix Dressage tests with marks of 85 or more—
    Oh – sorry- is my comment a bit off thread— :roll

    and I miss my 1976 International Scout II–


    • KG says:

      Horses? They bite and kick, Carol. Never been a fan of ’em, although I can appreciate a good horse in action–just don’t ask me to ride it. ;-)

    • Darin says:

      I dunno Carol,I’ve never had a car or truck decide it wanted to abruptly turn right,run two miles then stop and graze for an hour :lol:

      I do remember the Scout’s,got my first serious kiss in the back of one.Ah …..teen aged love,romancing under the stars,smacking the Mosquito’s off each other and ignoring her annoying little brother lighting fireworks in the front seat with the scent of OFF bug spray wafting through the air……those were the days :whoop

  9. mistress mara says:

    KG. You correctly observe that smoking is not a moral issue but that most people have been conditioned to believe that it is. It is a pleasure you see, and pleasure must be paid for. The fact that smokers already prepay their medical expenses through thieving levels of product tax can be overlooked. It’s the pleasure principle that applies. It’s obvious, innit?

  10. Andrei says:

    The seven deadly sins according to the catechism of the left

    1. Racism
    2. Misogyny
    3. Homophobia
    4. Elitism
    5. Smoking
    6. Obesity
    7. Religious belief
  11. KG says:

    me and Gecko drove to Cloncurry the other day. The quintessential Western Queensland country town full of cattlemen and miners. So I went to the local bakery to pick up something to eat and the tourist in front of me in the queue fronts up to the counter.
    “A soy latte’ please”
    Girl: “a big cup or medium?”
    trendoid: “are those cardboard cups?”
    Girl, looking a little confused: “yes”
    Trendoid: “oh no, I couldn’t possibly drink it out of a cardboard cup–it changes the taste. Do you have a china cup?”
    Girl: “we have mugs”
    Trendoid: “no no! It must be a cup and saucer”
    The people in the queue were listening to the exchange, somewhat mystified but Wabbit suffers from geriatric Tourette’s, and was by this stage fuming.
    “How the hell did you manage to drive all the way out here one-handed?”
    trendoid: “what do you mean?”
    wabbit: “work it out”
    The young guys in the queue cracking up laughing may have given him a clue that he’d just been insulted.
    My, I detest tourists…..

    • Ciaron says:

      Suddenly, the city boy is not feeling so keen to make a visit (not that it can be afforded at the moment)… :shock:

  12. Ciaron says:

    Not at all, just wary of how Tourists (cause, lets face it; thats what I’d be :lol: ) are treated up your way :shock:

    • KG says:

      No worries, Ciaron. For starters, guests are not “tourists”. Second, the locals are very polite indeed unless somebody comes across as an asshole. And I’m sure you wouldn’t. :twisted:

      • Ciaron says:

        Oh, ok… I was of the understanding that a tourist was a foreigner on holiday, but I now see it is simply a synonym for fuckwit. :cheers

        • KG says:

          Pretty much. :mrgreen:

          • Darin says:

            So it’s like at work then,if they come in wearing a suit and tie and not smelling of sweat and dirt they’re lost?

            We had an absolutely ravishing young lady walk in awhile back.Tall,long legs,nice uhhhhh….tanned and toned and smelling completely lovely and sweet as can be……..yup,lost looking for the insurance agency next door…sigh her legs must be tired,they have been running through my mind ever since :popcorn

  13. rivoniaboy says:

    To all those anti smoking, anti tobacco anti anti……….
    I Say:
    “I hate the fact that you creeps live your lives with your noses ass-deep in the perceived sins of others.” :rant :rant

  14. KG says:

    Aye, Rivoniaboy. They need to get a damn life.

    • Contempt says:

      Bog Administraitor, If Harvard shows up tell him to go to Hell.

      Darin, seen any Russian attack subs in the Gulf?

      • Darin says:

        Just the one,scared them off with a picture of Hilldog labeled “typical American woman”.
        Not even the Russians will poke that.

  15. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    Yes Diplomatic Pouch YES OMGDDD!!!Yrs V. trly is on the air??like how did like that happen?? Whatever Like Hey! The Presidente of the United Steaks smokes and drinks what wrong wid dat??!!

    Diplomatic Pouch has assed me to go to the grocery for some items 2 serve her family.*
    Evening Dinner MenU aka** Kenyan Home Cookin’:
    1. Arugula, organic with roots attached
    2. Mountain oysters served steamed or deep fat fried
    3. Hog Jowls
    4. Hog Lips
    5. Hog Eyeballs
    6. Chitlins
    7. Hog Brain cooked to order
    8. Choice – fried or raw Hog ears or feet
    8. Arugula Ice cream with minced hog nuts and arugula cream sauce
    Diplomatic Pouch says this is BlackBerry’s favorite*** home cookin’ menu.
    Must go tata mfr’s Yours Verily Trurily HarvardPotatoHead
    *Hope yrs v trly is not invited, btw.
    **aka – ass kissing assbreath
    ***Most of these items can be found N D garbage cans at the Israeli Exit.

  16. The Gantt Guy says:

    Anybody know why when I try to get to Larry Pickering’s website ( I get a message telling me the account has been suspended? Is it perhaps because he’s been Breitbarting* Gillard over the AWU fraud? That he’s using the Freedom of Information Act to do the job the “media” is studiously ignoring?

    Is this the vision Stephen Conroy has for the Internet in Australia? Say something we don’t like and we’ll de-web you?

    *(yes, I just invented a new verb)

  17. KG says:

    I’ve written to several people who ought to know, Gantt and so far two of them have said that the account was suspended by the ISP “due to the threat of legal action”.
    I’ve no idea how reliable they are, though.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Given the way she reached out and touched Glenn Milne and Michael Smith, I’d say your sources are correct.

      Interesting thing is, all she’s done is gin up interest in the story. There’s no way Pickering will back off. Smith is now on the speaking tour. I suspect it’s all about to come out, with the latest installment being that she was fired from her Union Hack Lawyer Shop as a direct result of the AWU accounts and the fraud her partner committed. :popcorn

      I only hope Pickering is right when he says her days are numbered, and the number is low.

      • KG says:

        I would dearly love to see that cow hounded out of office, not voted out. :rant

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Ooh yes. Stabbed in the back by the same faceless Greysuits who gave her the stiletto for KRudd!

  18. KG says:

    “Is this the vision Stephen Conroy has for the Internet in Australia? Say something we don’t like and we’ll de-web you?”
    Well yes–yes it is. He’s admitted as much.
    Given Tony Abbott’s recent speech on the subject, I can’t wait for a change of government. There’s no way his government will implement the Finkelstein recommendations.

  19. KG says:

    :shock: What happened to the Porridge Post??

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Delayed until later. Didn’t want to post straight over the top of yours. Mine is frivolity (as usual). Yours is information (as usual). I’ll publish mine later in the day.

  20. KG says:

    :shock: :cheers