‘Media Madness, and the Reckoning’

 ‘The left/liberal need to think Republicans and conservatives racists is more than just projection. At this point, it is nothing short of a mental illness. It is so far divorced from reality, it has to be pathological. No longer are these people able to observe reality with anything close to impartiality. We are not in the world of politics, ladies and gentlemen. We are in the world Freud, Jung, Adler, and people bouncing off walls…’    source

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11 Responses to ‘Media Madness, and the Reckoning’

  1. Redbaiter says:

    Thanks for that.

    Excellent link.

  2. Darin says:

    The all white MSNBC panel was complaining the republican party wasn’t black enough while Condi Rice was giving her speech at the RNC.

    They ddn’t even bring out their token black commentator Al Sharpton :popcorn

  3. WAKE UP says:

    Here’s a good line from the source: “Obama is fake, his popularity is fake, but it’s also real, because fake is now the ultimate reality.”

  4. KG says:

    And I see that odious prick Mathews lives in an upscale community of over 200,000 people of whom just 10 are black! Why does nobody call him on this, eh?

    • Darin says:

      “Why does nobody call him on this, eh?”

      Your forgetting the double standard.Clinton slept with or tried to rape everything with two legs,John Edwards was screwing around on his wife while she was fighting cancer and Ted Kennedy drove drunk and drowned a woman,yet it’s the Republicans who are “waging war on women”.

      Same thing with race,Chris Matthews thinks anybody who is critical of black culture and the ingrained criminal element is a racist.Yet none of those people live in his neighborhood.He is a Limousine Liberal living in a gated community.

      Same with guns,they all want to ban them,yet they all have armed security details.It’s classic do as I say not as I do

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        “Chris Matthews thinks anybody who is critical of black culture and the ingrained criminal element is a racist”

        as is anyone who dares criticise (or not support sufficiently enthusiastically) the Royal Decrees and philosophy of King Barry I!

  5. KG says:

    ‘Just in time for the DNC: 30,000 dead North Carolinians registered to vote’.


    • Darin says:

      Yep,they want anyone,dead,living or fictional to vote with no ID requirement,but you must have ID to get into their convention :roll:

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    Why it’s SO important for all US patriots to vote for Mitt Romney in November:

    Columnist Andrew McCarthy (no link, sorry – I got this from a FB comment) gives us what probably is the most important question regarding the upcoming presidential election:

    “If Mitt wins the nomination, I will enthusiastically support his candidacy. For my friends who have hesitation on that score, I’d just ask you to keep four things in mind:

    1.. Justice Scalia just turned 78
    2.. Justice Kennedy will turn 78 later this year
    3.. Justice Breyer will be 76 in August
    4.. Justice Ginsburg turned 81 about a week ago.

    In addition,
    Justice Ginsburg has Pancreatic Cancer.
    Justice Stephens has already said he would retire and is just waiting for Obama to be reelected.

    The next president could appoint as many as 4 new Justices over next 8 years. This election is about more than ObamaCare Tax.

    We wish them all well, of course, but the brute fact is that whoever we elect as president in November is almost certainly going to choose at least one new member of the Supreme Court, in addition to hundreds of other life-tenured federal judges, all of whom will be making momentous decisions about our lives for decades to come.

    If you don’t think it matters whether the guy making those calls is Mitt Romney or Barack Obama, I think you’re smokin’ something funky.

    So for anybody who is thinking of not voting because your favorite didn’t get nominated, or writing in a candidate who can’t win, imagine this:


    After you have stopped gasping, kindly forward this to your list of concerned citizens…..”