A Frenchman with brass ones. May he live long and prosper!


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17 Responses to A Frenchman with brass ones. May he live long and prosper!

  1. Darin says:


  2. Katie says:

    I do believe that the last time he did this he was burnt out of his office. And the time before that. And the time before that.

    Perhaps the French should rid themselves of the Muslims and hail this man a hero.

  3. BRAVE–man-
    Angels Watching over You – our Feedom Loving friend!!!!!

  4. oswald bastable says:

    Chris Muir pokes the rats’ nest with a pointed stick!

  5. Cadwallader says:

    Can you please post the cartoons? I recall the apparently offensive Danish ones from a few years ago were published by Lindsay Perigo in his “Free Radical.” No sign of the latest cartoons anywhere in the msm. Hardly a surprise.

  6. RobertvdL says:

    Martin Schulz: Whore of islam


    Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, on 19 September 2012 strongly criticized the video “Innocence of Muslims”.

    Heil Martin

  7. Contempt says:

    Response by muslims never cease to amaze. Is there anything that they do not get all lit up about? Get them out of here. Most of us had oBowa pegged early on and God Help Us All to be rid of this plague. While out in a crowd this morning I was told by a stranger an oBowa joke. The contempt is everywhere for a pissant “present” and the left.

    Good cartoon Oswald B.

  8. GW says:

    The last people of French descent who I thought worthy of respect were Charles Martel and his army – the one’s who stopped the Muzzies from overrunning all of Europe in 732. Its been a long dry spell for the French, but appears they have finally produced another worthy of similar respect. I will now say three words that I never thought would pass my lips . . . . viva la france. They are showing more brass in protecting freedom of speech than the whole Obama administration combined.

  9. mistress mara says:

    Yes thanks kowtow. My schoolgirl French is coming in handy. I observe that Charlie Hebdos’ editor is a brave person but of course the necessity for bravery for publishing cartoons is beyond satire really. It’s just a damm shame that every newspaper in the so-called “free” West doesn’t do exactly the same thing, en masse and immediately. After all, there are only so many virgins in mo’s paradise and who would bother beheading an infidel for “a cruise in an old Cadillac.”