The U.N. is a powerful ally of the islamothugs

and they’ve learned to use it very effectively
An Abbott-led government must be made to give an assurance that it won’t sign up to any U.N. treaties, protocols, agreements, arrangements or understandings without first asking the Australian people. Free speech is already under threat in this country and if the islamists get their way, it will be illegal to criticize islam in any way, in any forum. That will hand them control of our country.

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7 Responses to The U.N. is a powerful ally of the islamothugs

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Pat Condell for Prime Minister!!!!

    “Once again, we see thousands of Islamic nutcases take time out from beating their wives to show their sensitive sides – by smashing up the towns they live in – egged on by clerical ignoramuses who motives are even lower than the the literacy level of their followers.”

    “We in the civilized world are being asked to censor ourselves out of respect for a religion that violates the human rights of half the people on the planet.”

    “With Islam, it’s always a one-way street; we’ve learned that lesson the hard way.”

    “The Turkish Prime Minister hilariously demands that ‘Islamophobia’ be made a ‘crime against humanity’ – when given the evidence, there’s a much stronger case for making Islam a crime against humanity.”

    “When Muslims start showing the same level of outrage about things that are genuinely offensive – like the thousands of women and girls who are murdered and mutilated and raped every year in their countries, then we might take them a bit more seriously.”

    “Twenty years of baseless grievance-mongering and knee-jerk offense have shown us this religion for what it really is – and now we don’t like it, we don’t trust it and we are never going to respect it.”

  2. KG says:

    Too bloody right.

  3. Not to mention the LOST treaty–
    The UN is a giant – ‘progressive-socialist ‘ organization–
    I don’t know about you guys – I want us in the US out!!
    and the valuable land in NYC on which the UN buildings are sitting-I want it privatized to enhance our economy–since we are being told that we are ‘going under’-financially-we can use any money make we can get!!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      AUS and NZ signed up to LOST in the 80’s, Carol.

      Come on in, the water’s fine. And there’s a nice big-gulp o’ Kool Aid on the side table just over there. :rant

  4. RobertvdL says:

    muslim kicks dog dog owner arrested – Ezra Levant

    If you have one or two of them you have no problem but as soon as they bring their women and religious leaders hell breaks loose.

    • KG says:

      I watched the whole clip, and it seems to me that it’s yet another case of the police protecting violent thugs on the pretext of “keeping the peace”.
      If the dishonest, lazy bastards want to keep the peace the best way of doing that is to prevent muslim filth from holding political rallies in public spaces. :rant

      • kowtow says:

        I’m shocked this is happening in Canada. Not surprised though. The Canadian liberal/left has had a lot to do with the growth of PC multiculturalism.
        The multiculti was part of kowtowing to the Froggies to keep them in the federation, it’s never repaid though,the frogs are like that Monty Python guy in the Castle “I fart in your general direction”,but they still have their hand out for federal money,(sound familiar?)

        Any way ,they got all multiculti and then since the seventies the place has been swamped by waves of non traditional immigration. Chinese,W Indians,East Indians, Muslims etc ,so govt has been hoist by it’s own petard and native Canadians with names like Fraser and MacDonald are second class citizens ,to be treated badly by the cops.

        Multiculturalism,loads of benefits……yeah right.