The media is now flat-out lying, not merely “spinning”.

Obama’s imaginary crowds

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9 Responses to The media is now flat-out lying, not merely “spinning”.

  1. Darin says:

    You mean his crowds are as over inflated as his Ego?Say it ain’t so :popcorn

  2. Ronbo says:

    A recent study finds that over 60% of Americans understand the Lamestream Media is an Orwellian Ministry of Truth whose real currency is the Big Lie.

    This also explains why the Lamers are going out of business while begging for government money to keep them afloat.

    The upside is that the mind numbed people who actually believe the Leftist propaganda are going to wake up very surprised on November 7th to find President Romney has just been elected in a landslide.

  3. Contempt says:

    Stopped in to a truck stop yesterday to get a burger. TVs on with oBowa speaking somewhere. Guy next to me says to me, “Liars Club meeting.” Seems to say a lot when strangers speak about the prez. People seem to speak spontaneously. Stranger than fiction.

    • Darin says:

      You should hear what the Truckers here say about him with Diesel $3.95/gallon and $10-15k tacked on to each new truck engine built in EPA fines.
      I’ve worked in Machineshops and Shipyards for the last 20 odd years and have heard words from them I’ve never heard before :shock: :censor :shock: :censor

  4. Isn’t it good that we have the blog world —
    the MSM used to get away w/ lying–

  5. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!Trucks?!!!Yours V. trly luvs dem!! Downhere@D 6969 floor level in BlackBerry’s Chigger Kompound our labor union is bldg a truckstop. In D auditorium just pass the showers is our most recent lecture area.* Lekture Schedool:
    1. How to crawl and apologize across the known world for America for being caucasian and American and talk about the founding fathers and religion.*** Lekturer: El So’tero de la Juarez**Includz how to spend tax money buying ads in Ole Mexico telling them how to apply for food stampz N D Steaks.
    2. How to tell D difference b’Tween radical, extremist or regular islam. Instuktor: Dr. Alfred E. Neuman, pHd., Mecca University.
    3. How to make white gravy with or without sausage & biscuits. Lektuturd: Dr. Hillary “FatAss” Clinton.

    BlackBerry assed me to ass you if U can hear the drilling and digging under your steaks he say he about to break out 2 D outback and open a “cow Patty bingo” Game.****outta here brothers of the 56-57th steaks we love you. HarvardPotatoHead, Mensa infinty member with and IQ too high to measure and also a Harvard gravitate know U B jealous!!!OOOMMMAALLAAurd!!!

    *If you survive D showers 2 get there dude.
    ** recently arrived from fukkin his sister 4 .25cents.
    ***Course of same description used to instruk the dumbasses to bend over and take it while bowing and scraping to savages plus buy tv ads in Pakiston to grovel.
    ****cow pie bingo= a hundred square grassy fenced area is marked with red spray. tickets are sold for the going market price per square. A cow is broungt into the fenced area and whatever square she craps wins the pot. pisses do not count!

  6. Pascal says:

    The lies about his crowds coupled with the lies in the polls smells like the set-up for the biggest vote theft in American history. Very Zimbabwean in appearance.

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    Well, they’re lying in America and actively shilling for terrorists in Australia. The Sydney Morning Herald has actually let Hizb ut-Tahrir write an opinion piece on the Sydney riots. That’s like letting Jim Jones write an article about cults! Or Farrar write a piece about the evils of the National Party!

  8. Kathleen says:

    I had a brother who lied alot. But my brother was choir boy in lying compared to the media and Obama Administration.