Those friendly, sensible camel molesters:

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7 Responses to Those friendly, sensible camel molesters:

  1. Darin says:

    E-mail shows State Department rejecting requests of security team at US embassy in Libya.-

    “It wasn’t a big deal” :evil: :gunner

  2. Darin says:

    And the need for air transport in country is overseas operations 101.ANY surface transport will be tracked by Haji from the instant it rolls out the gate all along the route to the destination.Multiple places along the route can become ambush points.

    It’s just common sense and FFS all they wanted was a DC3,the operating costs for those is less than the Fed spends on toothpicks in a day :rant

  3. Contempt says:

    It’s 1-2-3-4-what are we fighting for until we get the agonizingly contemptible absolutely mindless frustratingly brainless incompetants out of the picture. Let’s hope oBowa et alia retire to some damn other country like the North Pole or Africa – they hate us so bad.

    No, I am not mad. Hey oboza show me your grades and I’ll show you mine. Bet mine are better. Do NOT get me started!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I don’t know about the et al, but the Obowas have scored themselves a nice little $35 million pad in Hawaii. Does that count as some other damn country?

  4. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!OMAllular!!!Yours Very Trulily believes “Contempt” is off his meds. Oh my.

    Just one question briefly…BlackBerry has assed me 2 ass U folks in our 56-57th Steaks if there is a remote area down there where he can hide out from Diplomatic Pouch so yV.tly is assin” is there such an area? BlackBerry does not wish to relocate in Africa, 61st Steak, because 2 many people look like him there plus Bro George may want to borrow a dollah from the pile of scoot from the Afgani opium deal BlackBerry made a deal Byonce Blief on that thing if U ass yvTrly. Also, digging in D Kompound has stopped the legal illegals are thinking BB has flown the coop leaving his double to handle shit here. Ain’t sure that’s true but seems reasonable. Come get my ASS U worthless scum yV.T must get out of here NOWNOWNOWGDUFNASSES.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    So, what will the goat-rooters do now the US has its hands on the blind sheik? What will they do when they find out he’s been water-boarded but instead of water the interrogator used bacon grease?