Enough! Election..NOW.

Herald Sun:
‘..ONE thing has become clear in the aftermath of the Peter Slipper affair – Australia cannot endure another 12 months with a dysfunctional Parliament.
It was always likely that a minority Gillard Government would struggle to be effective – that is, more often than not, the nature of minority governments.
But the toxic nature of debate, the poisonous character assassinations and the absence of any positive intent has gone on long enough. The Australian people deserve better and they deserve to be heard…’

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6 Responses to Enough! Election..NOW.

  1. Diamond Mair says:

    She’s a wanky old slog, isn’t she? http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t3#/video/world/2012/10/10/sot-gillard-sexism-parliament.savo

    Soooo, I take it Slipper is gay, but married to a woman? And complains about “girly parts” to young men he fancies? Ummmm, why is he going through such a charade? We know why Ă˜bama did/does it, {the American Puritanical history} but I thought Commonwealth Nations were more ………………………………… enlightened? accepting? don’t give a $h#%?

    Semper Fi’

  2. Don’t believe the crap the world media is peddling about their hero gillard.

    She’s now roundly despised by most in the country. We really can’t wait to head to the ballot box so we can collectively tell the hypocrite and her wretched party of treacherous hyenas to simply fuck off!

  3. KG says:

    And I don’t believe the polls, RWT. Labour will be thrashed come the elections. Unless the creep Turnbull causes the coalition to self-destruct, that is….

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      It amazes me that Abbott hasn’t emasculated him long before now. I guess with him on the front bench he can limit the damage the prick can cause.

  4. KG says:

    He seems to have a charmed life. Mind you, he’s been around so long, he’s built up a huge network of supporters and compliant leakers in the media. The man is an integrity-free zone who should have been kicked out of the party for advocating a carbon tax, if for nothing else. The quintessential CINO asshole…..

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yup. I’ve just finished reading Kerry Packer’s biography. The influence Turnbull played in manipulating NSW politicians to Packer’s benefit is quite astounding.

      It just reinforces my belief that the political sphere is the purview of mendicants and scumbags.