You be the judge:

‘Romney’s China policy spells trouble’ is the headline.
Honest reporting, or blatant anti-Romney propaganda?

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6 Responses to You be the judge:

  1. Diamond Mair says:

    Jon Huntsman was ALSO {briefly} running on the Republican ticket for POTUS …………………………………. is anyone really stupid enough to believe in his ‘loyalty’ to anything but himself? :wtf :roll:

    Semper Fi’

  2. Darin says:

    “The US seeks Chinese cooperation on international hot spots, such as North Korea and Iran”

    :wtf Exactly when has China EVER cooperated with the US on anything?It also wasn’t that long ago that a USN ECW aircraft was forced down and the crew held hostage.China IS NOT our ally or friend and Huntsman is a deluded fool to think otherwise

  3. KG says:

    So, it’s not just me? :whoop

  4. i’ll assume the they mean trouble for china, good.

    Screw the msm, i’d vote for Romney over that other sack of lying crap.

  5. KG says:

    Me too, and I’m no admirer of Romney.

  6. Mark says:

    Sorry, a trade war with China means China loses big time. The EU will follow suit and they will lose access to half of the world’s GDP producing nations.

    China is already in the hole, this would push them over the cliff.